com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Managing Stored Data via REST APIs

The actions such as inserting, searching, updating, retrieving, and deleting records can be carried out by invoking the  POST/stores/query  REST API. These actions can be performed for tables as well as windows and aggregations. The following sections provide sample commands for each action.

Configuring Store Query Endpoint

The Siddhi store query endpoint can be configured as follows in worker/editor profiles:

  1. In the siddhi.stores.query.api: section of the <SP_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file, configure the following properties. The following is a sample configuration with default values.

          name: "server.bootstrap.socket.timeout"
          value: 60
          name: "client.bootstrap.socket.timeout"
          value: 60
          name: "latency.metrics.enabled"
          value: true
          id: "default"
          host: ""
          port: 7070
          id: "msf4j-https"
          host: ""
          port: 7443
          scheme: https
          keyStoreFile: "${carbon.home}/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks"
          keyStorePassword: wso2carbon
          certPass: wso2carbon

    • transportProperties
      • server.bootstrap.socket.timeout: The number of seconds after which the connection socket of the bootstrap server times out.
      • client.bootstrap.socket.timeout : The number of seconds after which the connection socket of the bootstrap server times out.
      • latency.metrics.enabled : If this is set to true, the latency metrics are enabled and logged for the HTTP transport.
    • listenerConfigurations : Multiple listeners can be configured as shown in the above sample.
      • id : A unique ID for the listener.
      • host : The host of the listener.
      • port : The port of the listener.
      • scheme : This specifies whether the transport scheme is HTTP or HTTPS.
      • keyStoreFile : If the transport scheme is HTTPS, this parameter specifies the path to the key store file.
      • keyStorePassword : If the transport scheme is HTTPS, this parameter specifies the key store password.
  2. In the siddhi.stores.query.api: section of the <SP_HOME>/conf/editor/deployment.yaml file, the following properties are configured by default:

          name: "server.bootstrap.socket.timeout"
          value: 60
          name: "client.bootstrap.socket.timeout"
          value: 60
          name: "latency.metrics.enabled"
          value: true
          id: "default"
          host: ""
          port: 7370

    The same parameter descriptions provided for the <SP_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml  file apply to this configuration.

Inserting records

This allows you to insert a new record to the table with the attribute values you define in the select section.


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
insert into <table>;

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command submits a query that inserts a new record with the specified attribute values to the table RoomOccupancyTable.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNo, 2 as people insert into RoomOccupancyTable;" }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNo, 2 as people insert into RoomOccupancyTable;" }' -k

Retrieving records

This store query retrieves one or more records that match a given condition from a specified table/window/aggregator.

Retrieving records from tables and windows

This is the store query to retrieve records from a table or a window.


from <table/window>
<on condition>? 
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
<group by>? 
<order by>? 

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command submits a query that retrieves room numbers and types of the rooms starting from room no 10, from a table named roomTypeTable.

The roomTypeTable table must be defined in the RoomService Siddhi application.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "from roomTypeTable on roomNo >= 10 select roomNo, type; " }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "from roomTypeTable on roomNo >= 10 select roomNo, type; " }' -k

Sample response

The following is a sample response to the sample cURL command given above.

  [11, "triple"],
  [12, "double"]

Retrieving records from aggregations

This is the store query to retrieve records from an aggregation.


from <aggregation>  
  <on condition>?
  within <time range> 
  per <time granularity>
select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
  <order by>?

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command submits a query that retrieves average price of a stock.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "StockAggregationAnalysis", "query" : "from TradeAggregation on symbol=='FB' within '2018-**-** +05:00' per 'hours' select AGG_TIMESTAMP, symbol, total, avgPrice" }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "StockAggregationAnalysis", "query" : "from TradeAggregation on symbol=='FB' within '2018-**-** +05:00' per 'hours' select AGG_TIMESTAMP, symbol, total, avgPrice" }' -k

Sample response

The following is a sample response to the sample cURL command given above.

  [1531180800, 'FB', 10000.0, 250.0],
  [1531184400, 'FB', 11000.0, 260.0],
  [1531188000, 'FB',  9000.0, 240.0]

Updating records

This store query updates selected attributes stored in a specific table based on a given condition.


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...?
update <table>
    set <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, <table>.<attribute name> = (<attribute name>|<expression>)?, ...
    on <condition>

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command updates the room occupancy for selected records in the table,RoomOccupancyTable The records that are updated are ones of which the roon number is greater than 10. The room occupancy is updated by adding 1 to the existing value of the people attribute.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNumber, 1 as arrival update RoomTypeTable  set RoomTypeTable.people = RoomTypeTable.people + arrival on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;" }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNumber, 1 as arrival update RoomTypeTable  set RoomTypeTable.people = RoomTypeTable.people + arrival on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;" }' -k

Deleting records

This store query deletes selected records from a specified table.


delete <table>  
on <conditional expresssion>

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command submits a query that deletes a record in the table named RoomTypeTable if it has value for the roomNo attribute that matches the value for the roomNumber attribute of the selection that has 10 as the actual value.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNumber
    delete RoomTypeTable on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;;" }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" 
    -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNumber
    delete RoomTypeTable on RoomTypeTable.roomNo == roomNumber;;" }' -k

Inserting/updating records


select <attribute name>, <attribute name>, ...
update or insert into <table>
    set <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, <table>.<attribute name> = <expression>, ...
    on <condition>

Sample cURL command

The following cURL command submits a query that attempts to update selected records in the RoomAssigneeTable table. The records that are selected to be updated are ones with room numbers that match the numbers specified in the select clause. If matching records are not found, it inserts a new record with the values provided in the select clause.

  • For worker:

    curl -X POST https://localhost:7443/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNo, "single" as type, "abc" as assignee update or insert into RoomAssigneeTable  set RoomAssigneeTable.assignee = assignee  on RoomAssigneeTable.roomNo == roomNo;" }' -k
  • For editor:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:7370/stores/query -H "content-type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" -d '{"appName" : "RoomService", "query" : "select 10 as roomNo, "single" as type, "abc" as assignee update or insert into RoomAssigneeTable  set RoomAssigneeTable.assignee = assignee  on RoomAssigneeTable.roomNo == roomNo;" }' -k

For more information and examples for store queries, see Siddhi Query Guide - Store Query.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.