Creating Privilege Templates
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Creating Privilege Templates

Storage Server gives you full control to define your own permission schemes, which you can assign to database users when creating them. Users are spared the overhead of writing and executing lengthy SQL queries to grant database privileges to database users.

Follow the steps below to define privilege templates.

  1. Log in to the management console and select Privilege Templates from RSS Manager
  2. Select the environment and click Add Database Privilege Template.

  3. Provide a name for the template and select the permissions by simply checking appropriate check boxes. For example,
    The permissions are described below: 

    SELECTThe SELECT privilege enables you to select rows from tables in a database
    INSERTThe INSERT privilege enables rows to be inserted into tables in a database
    UPDATEThe UPDATE privilege enables rows to be updated in tables in a database.
    DELETEThe DELETE privilege enables rows to be deleted from tables in a database.
    CREATEThe CREATE privilege enables creation of new databases and tables.
    DROPThe DROP privilege enables you to drop (remove) existing databases, tables, and views.
    GRANTThe GRANT privilege enables you to give privileges to a specific user or role, or to all users, to perform actions on database objects.
    REFERENCESThe REFERENCES privilege Enables a user to create a foreign key dependency on a table or materialized view.
    INDEXThe INDEX privilege enables you to create or drop (remove) indexes.
    ALTERThe ALTER privilege enables use of  altering the structures of available tables.
    CREATE_TEMP_TABLEThe CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privilege enables the creation of temporary tables.
    LOCK_TABLESThe LOCK_TABLES explicitly acquires table locks for the current client session.
    CREATE_VIEWThe CREATE VIEW privilege enables the user to create a view.
    SHOW_VIEWThe SHOW VIEW privilege enables the user to view the created view.
    CREATE_ROUTINEThe CREATE ROUTINE privilege is needed to create stored routines (procedures and functions)
    ALTER_ROUTINEThe ALTER ROUTINE privilege is needed to alter or drop stored routines (procedures and functions).
    EXECUTEThe EXECUTE privilege is required to execute stored routines (procedures and functi
    EVENTThe EVENT privilege is required to create, alter, drop, or see events for the Event Scheduler
    TRIGGERThe TRIGGER privilege enables trigger operations.


  4. Click "Save" to complete.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.