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HTTPS-NIO Transport

HTTPS-NIO transport is also a module that comes from the Apache Synapse code base. The receiver class is named as follows:


The sender class is named as follows:


These classes are available in the synapse-nhttp-transport.jar bundle. These classes simply extend the HTTP-NIO implementation by adding SSL support to it. Therefore, they support all the configuration parameters supported by the HTTP-NIO receiver and sender plus the parameters in the following table. 

Transport Parameters (Common to both receiver and the sender):

Parameter Name



Possible Values


The default keystore to be used by the receiver or the sender should be specified here along with its related parameters as an XML fragment. The path to the keystore file, its type and the passwords to access the keystore should be stated in the XML. The keystore would be used by the transport to initialize a set of key managers.


<parameter name="keystore">


The default trust store to be used by the receiver or the sender should be specified here along with its related parameters as an XML fragment. The location of the trust store file, its type and the password should be stated in the XML body. The truststore is used by the transport to initialize a set of trust managers.


<parameter name="truststore">


The HTTPS NIO transport supports the concept of custom SSL profiles. An SSL profile is a user defined keystore-truststore pair. Such an SSL profile can be associated with one or more target servers. For example, when the HTTPS sender connects to a target server, it will use the SSL profile associated with the target server. If no custom SSL profiles are configured for the target server, the default keystore-truststore pair will be used. Using this feature the NIO HTTPS sender can connect to different target servers using different certificates and identities. The given example only contains a single SSL profile, but there can be as many profiles as required. Each profile must be associated with at least one target server. If a profile should be associated with multiple target servers, the server list should be specified as a comma-separated
list. A target server is identified by a host-port pair.


<parameter name="customSSLProfiles>