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Lazy Loading of Deployment Artifacts

Lazy loading of tenants is a default feature available in any WSO2 product instance. Additionally, the Ghost Deployment configuration in the carbon.xml file allows users to enable lazy loading for deployment artifacts as shown below. When this feature is enabled, the services, applications and other artifacts are first loaded in Ghost form. The actual artifact is deployed only when a request for the artifact is made. Also, if an artifact has not been utilized for a certain period of time, it will be unloaded from memory. Note that this setting is not enabled by default because the Ghost Deployer works only with the HTTP/S transports. That is, if other transports are used, we do not have to enable the Ghost Deployer.


When lazy loading of artifacts is enabled for PaaS deployments, lazy loading applies both for tenants as well as a tenant’s artifacts. As a result, for a tenant in a cloud environment, lazy loading is applicable on both levels. Therefore, the associated performance improvement and resource utilization efficiencies are optimal.