This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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You can define parameters inside the services.xml as an immediate child element of the service element. A parameter has two attributes:

  • name - The mandatory attribute.
  • locked - The optional attribute, which expresses whether we allow the parameter value to be overridden by a child node in the hierarchy.

Follow the instructions below to manage the parameters of a service.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. From the left navigation menu, select "Services List."

3. The "Deployed Services" screen appears.

4. Click on the necessary service to see the "Service Dashboard" screen.

5. Click "Parameters" in the "Quality of Service Configuration" panel.

6. Parameters can be defined inside the services.xml as an immediate child element of the service element. These parameters can be accessed using the message context (at the runtime) or AxisService or AxisOperation. A parameter has two attributes:

  • name - The mandatory attribute which defines the parameter name.
  • locked - The optional attribute. The idea of a locked attribute is to express whether we allow the parameter value to be overridden by a child node in the hierarchy.

For example, if a parameter was added in the axis2.xml file setting the locked attribute to True, then if a service tries to add another parameter with the same name, it will give an exception.

The WSO2 Carbon provides an easy method to generate the Service parameters.

Click "Add New..." button to generate a new service parameter.

7. The "WSO2 Carbon" window appears. Enter the parameter name and click "OK" to add a parameter to the list.

8. Enter the parameter value.

9. Click on the "Update" button to save new parameters in the service group.

10. If you want to delete a parameter, click on the "Delete" button.

11. Confirm your request clicking "Yes" in the "WSO2 Carbon" window.