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WSO2 Carbon ships with an inbuilt XKMS trust web service, which is built on top of XKMS specification and consists of 5 services, which can be used to simplify key management.

  • Register service
  • Locate service
  • Validate service
  • Revoke service
  • Recover service
  • Reissue service

XKMS consists of two parts:

  • XML Key Information Service Specification (XKISS) - Concerned with management of the public component of a public key pair.
  • XML Key Registration Service Specification (XKRSS) - Concerned with management of private keys.

In both cases the goal of XKMS is to allow all the complexity of traditional PKI implementations to be offloaded from the client to an external service.

You can view and update XKMS configurations in the WSO2 ESB management console.