This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

Engaging and Disengaging Modules

A Module is an archive file that bundles a set of classes, related libraries and third-party library dependencies. After adding a module to the system, you can engage it to activate a module for your services. WSO2 Carbon provides a user friendly interface to engage and disengage modules.

Engaging Modules

If the module is not already engaged, use this option to engage the module.


The "WS-Addressing" module is always globally engaged.

Modules can be engaged on two levels:

  • Service level - A module can be engaged only for a certain service.
  • Global Level - A module can be engaged for all the services (as described here.)

Follow the instructions below to engage a module on a global level.

1. Log on to the Data Services Server Management Console.

2. Click the Main tab and select List under Modules.

3. The Deployed Modules page appears. Select a module to engage from the Modules list and click Engage.

4. Click OK.

5. The engaged module appears in the Globally Engaged Modules list.

Disengaging Modules

If a module is already engaged, you can disengage it. Follow the instructions below to disengage a module on a global level.

1. Log on to the Data Services Server Management Console.

2. Click the Main tab and select List under Modules.

3. The Deployed Modules page appears. Select a module to disengage from the Modules list and click Disengage.

4. Confirm your request by clicking Yes.

5. The window which confirms the disengagement appears. Click OK.