Handling Data Service Queries

This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

Handling Data Service Queries

This section discusses a few key features useful in defining data service queries. Follow the instructions below to open the Queries page.

1. Log on to the Data Services Server Management Console.

2. Click the Main tab and select the Create link under Data Services.

3. The Create Data Service page appears. Fill in the fields and click Next. The Data Service name is mandatory.

For more information on Advanced Configurations in creating data services, refer to the Transaction Handling section.

4. The Data Sources page appears. Click on the Add New Data Source link, 

Add your Data Source details and click Save.

5. After saving, the added data source page appears. Click Next to proceed.

6. The Queries page appears.

Initially your service does not include any queries. You can add a new query by clicking the Add New Query link. For information on adding queries, look at the relevant data source page in section: Create a Data Service Using Various Data Sources.

This section gives more detail on the following: