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Enabling Metrics and Storage Types

Given below are the configurations that should be in place for your WSO2 product to use the metrics feature. You need to first enable metrics for your server and then enable the required storage types (reporters) that will be used for storing the metrics data. See the following topics for instructions:

Enabling metrics

To enable metrics for your product, set the Enabled parameter under the Metrics element to true in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/metrics.xml file. Alternatively, you can enable metrics at the time of starting the server by using the following command:


Once metrics are enabled, the metrics dashboard will be updated for your product.

Configuring the storage of metrics

WSO2 products (based on Carbon 4.4.x Kernel versions) are configured by default to store the information from metrics in the following reporters: JMX, CSV and JDBC. These reporters are configured in the metrics.xml file (stored in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf directory). You can disable metrics for individual reporters by setting the Enabled parameter to false. 

If you set the  the Enabled parameter under the Metrics element to false in the metrics.xml file, metrics will be disabled for all the reporters and it is not possible to enable metrics for individual reporters. 

See the following topics for information on configuring each of the available storage types. 


The following parameters in the metrics.xml file can be used to configure a JMX storage for metrics data.

Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueMandatory/Optional
EnabledThis parameter specifies whether ot noy metics monitoring is enabled for JMX.BooleantrueMandatory


The following parameters in the metrics.xml file can be used to configure a CSV storage for metrics data.

Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueMandatory/Optional
EnabledThis parameter specifies whether or not metrics monitoring is enabled for CSV.BooleanfalseMandatory
LocationThe location where the CSV files are stored.String${carbon.home}/repository/logs/metrics/
PollingPeriodThe time interval between polling activities that are carried out to update the metrics dashboard based on latest information. For example, if the polling period is 60, polling would be carried out every 60 milliseconds.Integer60


H2 is not recommended in production

The H2 database is NOT recommended in enterprise testing and production environments. It has lower performance, clustering limitations, and can cause file corruption failures. Please use an industry-standard RDBMS such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MS SQL instead. See the instructions on setting up an RDBMS.

The following parameters in the metrics.xml file can be used to configure a JDBC storage for metrics data.

Element NameDescriptionTypeDefault ValueMandatory/OptionalNotes
EnabledThis parameter specifies whether or not metrics monitoring is enabled for JDBC.BooleantrueMandatory
DataSourceNameThe name of the datasource used.Stringjdbc/WSO2MetricsDB

PollingPeriodThe time interval between polling activities that are carried out to update the metrics dashboard based on latest information. For example, if the polling period is 60, polling would be carried out every 60 milliseconds.Integer60
This value is specified in milliseconds.
ScheduledCleanupThis element contains parameters relating to scheduled cleanup. The possible values are Enabled, ScheduledCleanupPeriod and DaysToKeep. Scheduled cleanup involves scheduling a task to clear metric data in the database after a specified time interval. This is done to avoid excessive memory usage.

ScheduledCleanup/EnabledThis parameter specifies whether or not scheduled cleanup is enabled.Booleantrue

ScheduledCleanup/ScheduledCleanupPeriodThe number of milliseconds that should elapse after a clean-up task before the next clean-up task is carried out.Integer86400

ScheduledCleanup/DaysToKeepThe number of days during which the scheduled clean-up task should be carried out.Integer7

If you have enabled JDBC, then you also need to specify a datasource configuration, which will be used to create the connection between the WSO2 product and the JDBC data storage system. The metrics-datasources.xml file is used for configuring this datasource for metrics. 

Parameters that can be configured for a datasource are as follows:

XML elementAttributeDescriptionData typeDefault valueMandatory/Optional
<datasources-configuration> xmlns The root element. The namespace is specified as: xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration"

The container element for the datasource providers.



The datasource provider, which should implement org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource.common
. The datasources follow a pluggable model in providing datasource type implementations using this approach.
Fully qualified Java class
The container element for the datasources.

The root element of a datasource.

Name of the datasource.String
Description of the datasource.String
The container element that allows you to expose this datasource as a JNDI datasource.

The JNDI resource name to which this datasource will be bound.String
Mandatory if specifying JNDI configuration

The container element in which you specify the following JNDI properties:

  • java.naming.factory.initial:  Selects the registry service provider as the initial context.
  • java.naming.provider.url: Specifies the location of the registry when the registry is being used as the initial context.
Fully qualified Java class
<definition>typeThe container element for the data source definition. Set the type attribute to "RDBMS", or to "custom" if you're creating a custom type. The "RDBMS" datasource reader expects a configuration element with the sub elements listed below.String
The container element for the RDBMS properties.

Mandatory if definition type is RDBMS
The connection URL that passes the JDBC driver to establish the connection.URL
The connection user name that passes the JDBC driver to establish the connection.String
The connection password that passes the JDBC driver to establish the connection.String
The class name of the JDBC driver.Fully qualified Java class
The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time.Integer100Optional
Maximum number of milliseconds that the pool waits (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception.Integer30000 (30 seconds)Optional
Specifies whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will attempt to borrow another.
When set to true, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string.
The SQL query that is used for validating connections from this pool before returning them to the caller. If specified, this query does not have to return any data, as it cannot throw an SQLException. The default value is "null". Example values are SELECT 1(mysql), select 1 from dual(oracle), SELECT 1(MS Sql Server).StringnullMandatory when testOnBorrow is set to true
To avoid excess validation, a connection will be validated at this frequency, at most (interval time in milliseconds). If a connection is due for validation, but has been validated previously within this interval, it will not be validated again. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds).Long30000 (30 seconds)Optional

Sample configuration

Shown below is a sample metrics.xml file with the default configurations specifying the types of storages enabled for metrics data. See the above topics for instructions.

 The default configurations in the metrics.xml file

    This is the main configuration file for metrics

<Metrics xmlns="">

        Enable Metrics
        Metrics reporting configurations

            <!-- Polling Period in seconds -->
            <!-- Source of Metrics, which will be used to
                identify each metric in database -->
            <!-- Commented to use the hostname
                JNDI name of the data source to be used by the JDBC Reporter.
                This data source should be defined in a *-datasources.xml
                file in conf/datasources directory.
            <!-- Polling Period in seconds -->
                    Schedule regular deletion of metrics data older than a set number of days.
                    It is strongly recommended that you enable this job to ensure your metrics tables do not get extremely
                    large. Deleting data older than seven days should be sufficient.
                <!-- This is the period for each cleanup operation in seconds -->
                <!-- The scheduled job will cleanup all data older than the specified days -->

Once you have enabled Metrics as explained above, proceed to the section on configuring metric properties for information on how to configure the gauges on the metrics dashboard.