com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

About this Release

What is new in this release

The WSO2 API Manager version 2.2.0 is the successor of version 2.1.0. It contains the following new features and enhancements:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

  • Compliance with GDPR Regulations with the implementation of the Right to be Forgotten through a tool that allows external user’s personally identifiable information (PII) to be anonymized.

  • Support for consent management policies for third-party applications and user sign-up pages.

  • Introduction of cookie policies and privacy policies.

Access Control

API Gateway

API Design and Documentation


What has changed in this release

Removed features and functionalities

No features/functionality have been removed in this release. 

Deprecated features and functionalities

This release includes the following features/functionalities that were deprecated, which may be removed in a future release. To view previously deprecated features, see the About this Release page of the previous version.

  • Gateway Manager profile

    Prior to WSO2 API Manager 2.1.0, the Publisher and Gateway were required to be on two different cluster domains. However, from WSO2 API Manager 2.1.0 onward  clustering is no longer a necessity, because the Publisher can play the role of the Gateway Manager. Therefore, now, the Gateway Manager profile (-Dprofile=gateway-manager) has been deprecated as it is redundant.

  • The -DSetup option
    When proper Database Administrative (DBA) practices are followed, the systems (except analytics products) are not granted DDL (Data Definition) rights on the schema. Therefore, maintaining the -DSetup option is redundant and typically unusable. As a result, WSO2 has deprecated the -DSetup option. Note that the proper practice is for the DBA to run the DDL statements manually so that the DBA can examine and optimize any DDL statement (if necessary) based on the DBA best practices that are in place within the organization.

  • Log Analyzer
    Analyzing Logs with the Log Analyzer is deprecated from this release onwards and is disabled by default.

WUM updates

This section lists out the features that were updated or introduced newly to WSO2 API-M 2.2.0 via WUM updates.

Updated or newly introduced featureThe date of the update
Defining a custom user claim as the group extractor claimDecember 9, 2018
Working with ObservabilityDecember 19, 2018

Compatible WSO2 product versions

WSO2 API-M 2.2.0 is based on WSO2 Carbon 4.4.26 and is expected to be compatible with any of the WSO2 products that are based on any Carbon 4.4.x version (except when using WSO2 Identity Server as a Key Manager, in which case you must use WSO2 Identity Server 5.5.0). If you get any compatibility issues, please contact team WSO2. For information on the third-party software required with API-M 2.2.0, see Installation Prerequisites. For more information on the products in each Carbon platform release, see the Release Matrix.

Fixed issues

For a list of fixed issues, see WSO2 API Manager 2.2.0 - Fixed Issues in JIRA and WSO2 API Manager 2.2.0 - Fixed Issues in Github.

Known issues

For a list of known issues, see WSO2 API Manager 2.2.0 - Known Issues in Github.


For the latest performance test results, see WSO2 API-M Performance and Capacity Planning.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.