Customizing User SignUp in API Store

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Customizing User SignUp in API Store

WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) allows new users to gain access to the API store via a Self Sign-up page. The default sign-up page has a set of mandatory and optional fields where the user can use to provide their details. However, there can be cases where API Store owners need to customize the available fields by modifying the available fields or/and adding new fields.

This customization can be easily achieved in WSO2 API Manager because the fields are loaded dynamically from the user claim attributes. The fields that are available in the Sign-up page together with instructions on how to customize the default Sign-up page are explained as follows.

User sign-up page

By default, the API Store Sign-up page looks as follows:

It has following fields by default.

Mandatory FieldsAdditional Fields (Optional)
Re-type PasswordLand Phone
First NameMobile Phone

Adding a new field to the user sign up form

If you want to add a new field to the API Store Sign-up page that will be filled up when a new user signs up to the API Store, you can do this by adding a local claim via the WSO2 API-M Management Console.

Let's add a field named  City by following the instructions below:

  1. Start the WSO2 API Manager server, and go to the WSO2 API-M Management Console (https://localhost:9443/carbon/)
  2. Navigate to the Main menu and click Add which is under the Claims tab.
  3. Click Add Local Claim.
  4. Enter the following values as the local claim details.

    Claim URIhttp://wso2.org/claims/city
    Display NameCity
    Mapped Attributecity
    Supported By Defaultselect

    The claims which are Supported by Default, are only displayed in the Sign-up page. Therefore, when you are adding new claims make sure to select the Supported by Default check box.

  5. If you need to define this claim as a required field (Mandatory field in Sign-up), make sure to check the Required check box.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Navigate to API Store Sign-up page and refresh it. 
    You should see the newly added field.

Modifying existing fields in the user sign up form

You can modify the fields of the user sign-up page by editing the existing claims mapped to the respective fields.

Let's make the field named "City" a mandatory field and also change the display order of the field by following the instructions below:

  1. Start the WSO2 API Manager server and navigate to WSO2 API-M Management Console (https://localhost:9443/carbon/).
  2. Navigate to the Main  menu and click  List  which is under the  Claims  tab.
  3. Click http://wso2.org/claims  in the list of claims that appear.
  4. Edit the respective claim.
    1. Click on the Edit link that corresponds to the "City" claim.
    2. Select the Required check box. To change the display order, change the display order of all the city claim to 4. 
    3. To change the display order, change the Display Order field to 4. 
  5. Navigate to API Store Sign-up page and refresh it. 
    You will see that the "City" field is re-ordered and marked as a mandatory.

Similarly, you can modify the other existing fields in the user sign-up page by editing the claims based on your requirement.

Adding consent purposes

WSO2 API-M allows you to specify different consent purposes of collecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from users who sign up to the API Store. For example, the email address or the telephone number can be used for marketing purposes. 

Follow the steps below to add consent purposes.

  1. Sign in to the WSo2 API-M Management console (https://<host>:<port>/carbon)
  2. Navigate to the Main tab. Select Consent Purposes, which is under the Manage tab, and click Add.
  3. Fill in the details of the PII categories as shown below.
  4. Click Finish.

If a specific tenant admin has previously specified consent purposes via the WSO2 API-M Management Console, during the sign-up process, the list of those consent purposes will be shown to the respective users who belong to the same tenant domain in order to obtain their consent.

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