This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit
Configuring the API Manager
This section explains how to configure the API Manager:
- Adding Custom Properties to APIs
- Adding Internationalization and Localization
- Adding Links to Navigate Between the Store and Publisher
- Building a CICD Pipeline for APIs
- Changing the Default Transport
- Changing the Hostname
- Changing the Owner of an Application
- Configuring API Monetization Category Labels
- Configuring Caching
- Configuring Keystores in WSO2 API Manager
- Configuring Multiple Tenants
- Configuring Single Sign-on
- Configuring Transports
- Configuring User Stores
- Customizing the API Store
- Directing the Root Context to the API Store
- Enabling Access Control Support for API Publisher
- Enabling CORS for APIs
- Enabling Notifications
- Generating SDKs
- Logging
- Maintaining Separate Production and Sandbox Gateways
- Managing Users and Roles
- Performance Tuning and Testing Results
- Prevent API Suspension
- Removing Unused Tokens from the Database
- Revoke OAuth2 Application
- Sharing Applications
- Transforming API Message Payload
- Whitelisting Host Names for API Store
- Whitelisting Hostnames for API Store
- Working with Access Tokens
- Working with Databases