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Enable Self Signup to the API Store

By default, users who are not members of your organization cannot subscribe to and consume the APIs in your default API Store. Only invited members can subscribe and use APIs. However, an admin of the organization (tenant admin) can enable self sign-up to the API Store, allowing any visitor to the Store to register and become a community member.

Enabling Self SignUp requires a paid subscription. If you have a trial account, please purchase a subscription.

In this tutorial, you enable self sign-up to your API Store and observe how subscribers can register and become community members. You then disable self sign-up.

Once self sign-up is enabled, users who visit your store can register to it themselves. When configuring self sign-up, the tenant admin can select one of the following options:

  • Allow the registration requests to be approved automatically.
  • Make the registration requests go through an approval process first. 

Let's get started.

  1. Log in to the API Cloud as the tenant admin.
  2. The API Publisher opens. ClickConfigure > API Store Access.
  3. Fill the form that appears and click Configure. The parameters are described below.

    Signature lineAn email is sent to the users who self sign-up to the API Store. Give the name that you want to appear as the sender of this email.
    Contact email

    Give an email address using which new registrants can contact the administrator in case they need further assistance.

    Tip: To edit this value later, change the fromAddress and contactEmail attributes under the <UserSignUp> element in the /_system/governance/apimgt/applicationdata/workflow-extensions.xml registry resource.

    Notification optionsDetermines whether or not to send notifications to all admins.
    Approval processSelect either of the two options:
    • Send sign-up requests to me for approval - tenant admin approves or rejects sign-up requests.
    • Automatically approve new members - sign-up requests are approved automatically.
    Your passwordTenant admin's password.

    You can customize the invitation emails for self sign-up users by applying your own logo and changing the content. For information on how to do this, see Customize Invitation Emails.

  4. Go to the API Store using the following URL:<your organization name>.
  5. Log out of the API Store, if you are logged in already, and note the Sign-up link that appears in the upper right-hand corner of the console.

    Tip: It can take up to 15 minutes for the configuration changes to take effect. Therefore, you might not see the Sign-up link immediately.

    You have successfully configured the API Store for self sign-up. Let's register to the API Store as a visitor.

  6. Click the Sign-up link. As an external API consumer who wants to use your APIs, give a new email address to sign up to the Store.

    Tip: You can use a temporary email address from try out these steps.

  7. Check the tenant admin's email account that is used to log in to the Cloud. It will have a user sign-up notification, which has a link to the WSO2 Cloud's Admin Dashboard. Click it and log in to the Admin Dashboard using your tenant admin credentials.

    Note: If you opted to allow automatic approval of new registration requests in step 2, the following steps in this tutorial are not necessary.

    Tip: You can find a link to the Admin Dashboard in the top menu bar of the API Publisher.

  8. The Approval Tasks page opens. Click the Start button next to the registration request to approve it.

  9. Select Approve from the drop-down list and click Complete.

    The registration request is now approved. 
  10. Check the email inbox of the newly registered user that you provided in step 6 and note that you have a welcome email. Click the one-time registration link provided in the email.
  11. Complete the registration process by providing a password in the form that opens.

    Tip: If the email you used to sign up with has already been used in a different company (tenant space) of the Cloud, you will not see the following page, as you already have a password. Instead, you will be navigated directly to the Cloud's login page.

  12. Log in to the API Store and note that you can subscribe to and consume published APIs as a registered user.

Disabling Self Sign-up

Now, let's see how you can edit and disable self sign-up

  1. Edit the self sign-up parameters and click Update on the bottom right-hand corner to save your changes.
  2. Click Disable Self Signup to disable self sign-up to your API store.
  3. Go to the API Store (<your organization name>), log out from it if you are already logged in, and note that the Sign-up link is not available anymore.

    Tip: It can take some time for self sign-up to be disabled after you change the registry. This is because the previous settings stay in the cache until it is refreshed, which happens every 15 minutes.

In this tutorial, you have configured self sign-up in the API Store for the tenant admin and registered to the API Store as an anonymous user.
You then disabled self sign-up and noticed how the Sign-up link is removed from the API Store.