This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Deploy an API as a Prototype

  1. Log in to the API Publisher and select the API (e.g., PhoneVerification 2.0.0) that you want to prototype.
  2. Click the Lifecycle tab of the API and change the its state to PROTOTYPED. After creating a new version, you typically deploy it as a prototype for the purpose of testing and early promotion.

    Tip: The Propagate Changes to API Gateway option is used to automatically change the API metadata in the API Gateway according to the information published in the API Store.

    Tip: You can also deploy an API as a prototype using the Implement tab at the time it is created:
  3. Log in to the API Store, click the Prototyped APIs menu and then click the newly prototyped API.

  4. The APIs Overview page opens. Note that the subscription options are not available. 
  5. Note that you can read documentation, rate, comment and take part in the forum and social media. Also note that there are two URLs for both production and sandbox. This is because you marked the PhoneVerification 2.0.0 as the default version in step 4 of the previous tutorial.

  6. Click the API Console tab of the API and note that the POST method is not available as we removed that in the new version.

    Let's invoke this API using the API Console.
  7. Expand the GET method, give values to the PhoneNumber and LicenseKey parameters and invoke the API. You added these parameters to the API Console when creating the API.

  8. Note that you get the expected result in the API Console. As this is a prototyped API, you do not need an access token and can leave the Header field blank.

    If you try to invoke the version 1.0.0 without an access token, you get an authentication error. This is because the older API version is published and requires an access token to be invoked.