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Generate Access Tokens to Authenticate APIs

Generate/renew application access tokens

The steps below describe how to generate application access tokens:

  1. Log in to the API Store.
  2. Click the My Subscriptions menu, select the application from the drop-down list and click the Generate or Regenerate buttons to create and renew access tokens.

    Whenever an API call happens, the Gateway checks if the request originated from an allowed domain and grants access accordingly. You can specify these domains in the Allowed Domains text box. This ensures that clients from a restricted domain cannot access an API even if an application key is stolen (when the key is placed in client-side JS code).

    Tip: When the client makes a request to an API that is only allowed to some domains, the request message must have an HTTP header to specify its domain name. Sending this header is mandatory only if the API is restricted to certain domains. An admin can configure this header name using <ClientDomainHeader> element under the <APIGateway> element in <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml.

    For example, if the file contains <ClientDomainHeader>domain</ClientDomainHeader>, then the API invocation request must contain an HTTP header called domain with values as shown in the example below: curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" -H "domain:" http://localhost:8280/twitter/1.0.0/search.atom?q=cat