This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit


Following are some FAQs related to WSO2 App Manager.

  1. Why do I view the following warning message on the default keystore being used in the server start-up logs?

    The default keystore (wso2carbon.jks) is currently being used. To maximize security when deploying to a production environment, configure a new keystore with a unique password in the production server profile.
    This warns you to change the default keystore by creating a new keystore, in production environments for security purposes. For more information on keystores, see Setting up Keystores.
  2.  Why do I view the following warning message on the Swap memory size in the server start-up logs?

    Swap memory size (MB) : 1024 of the system is below the recommended minimum size :2048

    This warns you to set the swap memory size of your machine as recommended. Set the minimum and maximum values in the <AppM_HOME>/bin/ file as follows:  -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m \

  3. Why do I view the following "Your connection is not private" message when accessing the management console of WSO2 App Manager?

    This happens because of the self-signed certificate used in AppM. This will be resolved in future by using a  verified  CA certificate. Click Advanced and proceed to access the  management  console.
  4. Why do I view the following message when logging in to the App Publisher or App Store?


    You are now being redirected to Identity Server. If the redirection fails, please click on the button below.


    This occurs due to a network switch while using the App Manger. Restart the App Manager server to log in to the App Publisher or App Store.
  5.  Why do I view the following "Error when processing the authentication request!" message when  accessing an app through the endpoint gateway?

    This failure to invoke the app is not a bug but it is an expected behavior of the AppM, when the network gets switched while using it. The Assertion Consumer URL includes the IP address of the network, which you were in when you create the app. Therefore, when your network switches to a new IP which is inserted to the endpoint gateway URL. You can resolve this by following either one of the below configurations.

    • Set the host name in the <AppM_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml file as follows: <HostName>localhost</HostName>
    • Follow the steps below to update the Assertion Consumer URL by manually updating the service provider in the management console.

      - Log in to the AppM Management console using the following URL and admin/admin credentials: https://<AppM_HOST:<AppM_PORT/carbon/ 
      - Click Main, and then click List under Service Providers.
      - Click Edit of the corresponding Service provider ID associated with the app.
      - Click Inbound Authentication Configuration, and then click SAML2 Web SSO Configuration.
      - Click Edit of the corresponding Issuer associated with the app.

      - Change the IP address of the Assertion Consumer URL as shown below.