This documentation is for WSO2 Application Server version 5.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Introduction to Data Services

Data Services offer a convenient mechanism to configure a Web service interface for data stored in data sources. Data sources such as relational databases, CSV files, Microsoft Excel sheets, Google spread sheets etc. can be easily service-enabled using the data services feature. This data can be exposed and accessed in a secured (using WS-Security) and reliable (using WS-ReliableMessaging) manner, and is also available for mash-up with other Web services.

The data services management functionality is offered by the following feature in the WSO2 feature repository:

Name:  Data Service Hosting Feature

There are several other features bundled in the above feature to enable service management, service dashboard, data service deployment, task scheduling and other related capabilities. The Data Service Hosting feature is bundled in all service management WSO2 products by default. If the product you are using does not have this feature by default, you can install it by following the instructions given in section Feature Management.