This documentation is for WSO2 Application Server version 5.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Application Server Features



Full XML and Web Services Support

Support for

  • XML, HTTP/JSON using HTTP methods and status codes
  • Namespaces, Xpath, XSLT, XQuery
  • JAX-WS
  • Complete WS-* Support 
    • WS-Addressing
    • WS-Security
    • WS-Trust
    • WS-SecureConversation
    • WS-Policy
    • WS-PolicyAttachment
    • WS-SecurityPolicy
    • WS-ReliableMessaging
    • WS-Discovery
  • WSDL 1.1/WSDL 2.0
  • MTOM, XOP, SwA optimizations for binary messages.
  • Native server-side JavaScript development support with Jaggery.  
  • Multi-transport service access via HTTP, HTTPS, JMS, and SMTP.
  • Expose existing business objects as Web services (Eg:- POJOs, Spring Beans, Data Services, EJB)
  • WSO2 Mashup server is now integrated into the Application Server, enabling users to host and manage enterprise mashups. (New in v 5.0.0)

Server-Side JavaScript Development Support (New in v 5.0.0)


Jaggery is integrated into the Application Server, allowing native server-side JavaScript development capability for Web applications and RESTful services.

Server-side JavaScript support allows developers to use a consistent language between back-end server and front-end browsers or mobile clients.

Apache CXF / JAX-WS and JAX-RS Support (New in v 5.0.0)
  • Integrates Apache CXF and CXF development experience with WSO2 Carbon enterprise security, management, and QoS.
  • Implements Java REST service standards (JAX-RS) and Java Web Service standards (JAX-WS).
Web Application Support
  • Run any standard WAR file or exploded WAR file offering applications and/or RESTful services.
  • Native server-side JavaScript development support with Jaggery.
  • Complete administration console for WAR files.
  • Datasource management for scalable data management.
  • Apache Tribes based clustering for Web applications.
Enterprise Security
  • Integrated security management for applications.

  • Basic Auth integration to LDAP, Google Auth, OpenID and other external user stores.

  • Fine-grained authorization through integration with WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus and WSO2 Identity Server.

  • OpenID relying party capabilities.

  • Single sign-on across applications through SAML2.

  • Integrates to enterprise identity management systems via LDAP or via WSO2 Identity Server.

Complete Tomcat Compliance (New in v 5.0.0) 
Scalable Applications and  Service Development Support
  • Comprehensive APIs for application development with security, data management, metadata management and system performance.
  • Distributed caching for large-scale application and service performance.
  • Shared metadata registry & repository via embedded registry or WSO2 Governance Registry.
  • JNDI provider for shared data source and other resources.
  • Distributed sharing of caches and metadata across applications and services.
  • Deployment synchronization of applications and services across multiple server instances.
  • Optimum resource utilization through lazy loading. (New in v 5.0.0)
Elastically Scalable, Cloud-Enabled, Multi-Tenant Application Server Platform
  • As a shared, multi-tenant, elastically-scaling platform to build and deploy SaaS applications.
  • Implement multi-tenant Apache Tomcat applications using rich context APIs.
  • Build self-service SaaS applications with integrated billing and metering capabilities.
  • Deploy as "Application Server as a Service" for the enterprise.
Lightweight, Developer-Friendly and Easy-to-Deploy
  • GUI, command-line and IDE-based tools for artifact generation, development and testing.
  • Integrated to WSO2 Developer Studio, the Eclipse-based IDE.
  • Real-life samples explained.
  • User-friendly management console.
  • Extremely simple security management
  • Server customization via feature provisioning capability.
  • Choice of deployment to on-premise servers, private or public cloud.
  • Integrated with SVN, Maven, Ant and other standard tools.
Monitoring and Statistics
  • Web console with enterprise-level security, including Role-Based Access Control.
  • Scalable QoS management with distributed, fine-grained throttling and caching.
  • Numerous access and performance statistic dashboards.
  • JMX MBeans for all key metrics monitoring and management features.
  • Integrates with WSO2 Business Activity Monitor for operational audit and KPI/SLA.
  • Flexible logging support. Now includes enhanced filtering options to view logs of selected applications in addition to system logs. (New in v 5.0.0)
  • Centralized configuration management across different environments, with life cycles and versioning through integration to WSO2 Governance Registry.

Proven Interoperability

Powered by Apache Axis2, Apache Rampart and Apache Sandesha2, the Application Server has proven interoperability with major Web Services stacks including Microsoft .NET WCF.

Data Services Support

Data in either a database or file system is easily service-enabled. Business applications can be directly layered on top of the data using this approach. It may be against the organizational security policies to expose the complete database hosted within the organization. In such a scenario, only a required subset of information can be exposed to the outside world as Web services.

Visualization of Axis2 Message Flow Handler Chains

Useful when developing and troubleshooting of Web services.

Provisioning capability

Because of the modular, OSGi-based Carbon platform, any WSO2 Carbon-based product can be easily extended by installing additional Carbon components in a simple, point- and-click deployment.

Open Source/Axis2 Modules in the Application Server

  • Apache Axis2 (SOAP)
  • Apache Axiom (High performance XML Object Model)
  • Apache Rampart/Apache WSS4J: WS-Security and WS-SecureConversation
  • Apache Rahas: WS-Trust
  • Apache Sandesha2: WS-ReliableMessaging
  • WS-Addressing implementation in Axis2
  • Apache Neethi (WS-Policy)
  • WS-SecurityPolicy implementation in Axis2
  • Apache XML Schema
  • Embedded Apache Tomcat
  • Apache Tribes (Group Communications Framework)
  • Mex: Supporting WS-MetaDataExchange
  • Throttle: For throttling requests
  • Statistics: For gathering & monitoring statistics
  • Tracer: For tracing SOAP requests & responses
  • XFer: Supporting WS-Transfer

WSO2 contributes to the Apache Software Foundation's Web services project through a combination of leading open source components. Our integration code including the unified management console is available under the Apache Software License version 2.0.