com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Substitution REST APIs

This section lists out details of all the REST APIs used to substitute an user. For more information about user substitution, see Working with BPMN User Substitution.

Add substitute

Request TypePOST
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes

Details & Parameters

This request will add new substitution record. If the existing substitution is disabled, it will be enabled after this update request.

assigneeOptionalThe username of the user who is going to be unavailable.
If this value is not specified, the user who is logged in at the time of request will be considered.
substituteRequiredThe username of the substitute user for the assignee.
startTimeOptionalThe time­ stamp for when the substitution should start, in ISO format.
If the value is not specified, the current time­ stamp is considered.

The time­ stamp for when the substitution should end, in ISO format.
If the value is not specified, the substitution is considered as valid forever.


Task IDs for bulk task reassignment (existing tasks that should be reassigned to the substitute user).
If values are provided for this parameter, bulk task reassignment will be done only for the tasks specified here.

Request Body
"substitute" : "SubstituteUsername",
"startTime" : "2016­01­01T12:00:00Z",
"endTime" : "2017­01­01T12:00:00Z",
“taskList” : [‘id1’, ‘id2’, ‘id3’]
  • Success: 201 created with location header.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there are incorrect parameters.

Update substitution record

Request TypePUT
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes/{user}

Details & Parameters

This request will update an existing substitution record of the user identified by the {user}.

If any of the following parameters are not provided, the existing value will be retained.

substituteOptionalThe username of the substitute user for the assignee.
startTimeOptionalThe time­ stamp for when the substitution should start, in ISO format.

The time­ stamp for when the substitution should end, in ISO format.


If values are provided for this parameter, bulk task reassignment will be done only for the tasks specified here.

Request Body
"substitute" : "SubstituteUsername",
"startTime" : "2016­01­01T12:00:00Z",
"endTime" : "2017­01­01T12:00:00Z",
“taskList” : [‘id1’, ‘id2’, ‘id3’]
  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there are incorrect parameters.

Change substitute

Request TypePUT
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes/{user}/substitute

Details & Parameters

This request will change the existing substitute record of the user identified by {user}.

substituteRequiredSpecify the new substitute.
Request Body
"substitute" : "username"
  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there are incorrect parameters.

Get substitute information

Request TypeGET
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes/{user}

Details & Parameters

This request will return the substitute record of the user identified by {user}.

No request parameters.

Response Body
“assignee” : “user”
"substitute" : "SubstituteUsername",
"startTime" : "2016­01­01T12:00:00Z",
"endTime" : "2017­01­01T12:00:00Z",
“taskList” : [‘id1’, ‘id2’, ‘id3’]
  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there is no such substitution record available.

Query substitutes

Request TypeGET
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes

Details & Parameters

This request will return the query result of the substitution records based on substitute, assignee and enabled or disabled parameters and pagination parameters.

The following parameters are allowed.

Query Parameters
substituteRecords with this user as a substitute.
assigneeThe record where this user is the assignee.
Pagination Parameters
startStarting of the record count.
The default value is 0

The size of the result set.
The default value is 10.


Set as "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending.
The default value is "asc".

sortSpecify which field the sorting should be based on.
The default sort field is "startTime".
Response Body

  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled.

Disable a substitution

Request TypePOST
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes/{user}/disable

Details & Parameters

This request will disable/enable the substitution record of the user identified by {user}.

Request Body
“action” : true/false
  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there are incorrect parameters.

Check if substitution feature is enabled

Request TypeGET
Request URL

https://<Host Name>:<Port>/bpmn/runtime/substitutes/configs/enabled

Details & Parameters

This will return true if the substitution feature is enabled, else it will return as false.

No request parameters.

Response Body
“enabled” : true/false
  • Success: 200 OK.
  • Error: 405 if substitution feature is not enabled, 400 if there are incorrect parameters.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.