This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

Available Features

The "Available Features" tab allows you to install new features or upgrade existing features. Features are available in repositories and their installation is performed in four steps:

  • Search for available features in added repositories.
  • Select the features you wish to install.
  • Review the installation.
  • Accept the terms of the license agreements.

Each step is described as follows:

1. To see the list of available features, select a repository from the drop-down menu.


If you have not added any repository, please click the "Add Repository" link. For more information on how to add a repository, see Repository Management.

2. Click on the "Find Features" button to load the features from the repository.

Find Features

Some repositories contains multiple versions of features. If you are only interested in latest versions, you can use the "Show only the latest versions" option. If the selected repository contains features which are already installed in the system, they will not be shown under the "Available Features" list. Also previous versions of installed features will not be shown.

3. Once features are loaded, you can install them or view the details of particular ones. To view the details, click on the "More Info" link.

4. The "Feature Information" is displayed. Familiarize yourself with the information and click "Back" to load the previous page. The following information is represented:

  • Name
  • Identifier
  • Version
  • Provider
  • Description
  • Copyright
  • License Agreement