Try It

This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

Try It

The TryIt tool is available with WSO2 Carbon that allows you to try out your Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) or any publicly available WSDL of the document/literal style. TryIt provides you with a mechanism to test your WSDL by creating endpoints on-the-fly. It helps to test a WSDL before actually coding it, without the need for a third-party WSDL validator tool.


The TryIt tool does not support relative schema imports and WSDL imports at the moment. We will provide this feature in a future release.

Follow the instructions below to use the TryIt tool.

1. Log on to the Data Services Server Management Console.

2. Click the Tools menu and select TryIt.

3. In the "Enter URL" field, type or paste the location of the WSDL and click "Try It." It may be a local file system path or a web URL. For example,


If your browser has "Pop up-Blocking" enabled, you will receive a message saying a pop up was blocked. Allow pop ups for the current domain and try again. The available operations in the given WSDL appears. For operations that take arguments you will see primitive argument-type fields. The values specified in these fields will be passed to the operations. For no-argument operations you will only see a button with the same name as the operation.

4. Click the "Send" button to invoke that service operation. The return value immediately appears in the response textarea.

Two textareas can be seen, each for request and response. You can switch the layout using either "Horizontal" or "Vertical" buttons.

Choosing Endpoints

You can change the endpoint for the service, if there are multiple endpoints. You can also specify a customized endpoint.

1. Click the "Using Enpoint - ...." link. Select a new endpoint from the list and specify the address of the new endpoint.

Viewing the Service Information

1. To view the information about the service click on the "Sevice Information" link.

Prioritizing Operations

1. Use the small yellow icon with the plus(+) sign to prioritize operation.

2. The chosen operation is added to the "Priority Operations" section.

This will be useful when you have a lot of operations in the "Try It" page. Then you can add operations you want into this section and switch among them easily.