This documentation is for WSO2 Data Services Server 3.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.


When invoking the data service through Try-it too, 'INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS_ERROR' is returned.

This error is thrown when required parameters are not specified in the request message.

Why am I getting 'Cannot load JDBC driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' exception when I try to create a Data Source?

Add your MySQL driver to <CARBON_HOME>/repository/components/lib folder and restart the server.

How can I get a SOAP response when invoking an IN-ONLY operation?

Setting "returnRequestStatus" attribute to true in dataservice operation as follows, will return the response for IN-ONLY operations.

<operation name="operation1" returnrequeststatus="true">
<call-query href="query1">
   <with-param name="dm1" query-param="dm1"/>
   <with-param name="dm2" query-param="dm3"/>

Why are the security policies getting removed, when the data service is updated?

When you update the service, it is getting changed and re-deployed. If you have edited the service, you have to finalize it by adding necessary policies.

Why is HTTP status code 200 OK returned for data service requests?

This is observed for data service requests which have a result. This happens due to the default streaming behavior. To get a proper HTTP 500 code for SOAP faults, streaming must be disabled, by setting the streaming property at service-level as well as operation-level.

When streaming is enabled for a service, the actual data service request execution happens at the very edge of the execution path. Therefore, at this point, the HTTP headers would have written out.

Why does the server slow down eventually, when invoking a service in transport scope?

When we have transport session scoped services (when boxcarring is enabled), if the HTTP session is not maintained, Axis2 server creates new context objects in the back-end for each request. These objects pile up and will ultimately run out of memory. Therefore, when boxcarring is enabled, the user always has to retain the session (send back the session cookie) to prevent the server slowing down and eventually running out of memory. If Axis2 client is used to send requests, set 'Options.setManagedSession(true)'.

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