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Sample 252: Pure Text (Binary) and POX Message Support with JMS

Note that WSO2 EI is shipped with the following changes to what is mentioned in this documentation:

  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/ directory that includes all Integration profile samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/service-bus/.
  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/resources/ directory that includes all artifacts related to the Integration profile samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/service-bus/resources/.

Objective: Pure POX/Text and Binary JMS Proxy services, including MTOM.

  • Configure JMS for ESB.
  • Start the Synapse configuration numbered 252: -sn 252
  • Start the Axis2 server and deploy the SimpleStockQuoteService and the MTOMSwASampleService if not already done.
<definitions xmlns="">
    <sequence name="text_proxy">
        <header name="Action" value="urn:placeOrder"/>
        <script language="js"><![CDATA[
            var args = mc.getPayloadXML().toString().split(" ");
            <m:placeOrder xmlns:m="http://services.samples/xsd">
        <property action="set" name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
        <property name="messageType" value="text/xml" scope="axis2"/>
                <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService" format="pox"/>
    <sequence name="mtom_proxy">
        <property action="set" name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
        <header name="Action" value="urn:oneWayUploadUsingMTOM"/>
                <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/MTOMSwASampleService" optimize="mtom"/>
    <sequence name="pox_proxy">
        <property action="set" name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
        <header name="Action" value="urn:placeOrder"/>
                <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService" format="soap11"/>
    <sequence name="out">
    <proxy name="JMSFileUploadProxy" transports="jms">
        <target inSequence="mtom_proxy" outSequence="out"/>
        <parameter name="transport.jms.Wrapper">{http://services.samples/xsd}element</parameter>
    <proxy name="JMSTextProxy" transports="jms">
        <target inSequence="text_proxy" outSequence="out"/>
        <parameter name="transport.jms.Wrapper">{http://services.samples/xsd}text</parameter>
    <proxy name="JMSPoxProxy" transports="jms">
        <target inSequence="pox_proxy" outSequence="out"/>
        <parameter name="transport.jms.ContentType">application/xml</parameter>

This configuration creates three JMS Proxy Services named JMSFileUploadProxy, JMSTextProxy and JMSPoxProxy exposed over JMS queues with the same names as the services. The first part of this example demonstrates the pure text message support with JMS, where a user sends a space separated text JMS message of the form "<price> <qty> <symbol>". ESB converts this message into a SOAP message and sends this to the SimpleStockQuoteServices' placeOrder operation. ESB uses the Script Mediator to transform the text message into a XML payload using the Javascript support available to tokenize the string. The Proxy Service property named transport.jms.Wrapper defines a custom wrapper element QName, to be used when wrapping text/binary content into a SOAP envelope.

Execute JMS client as follows. This will post a pure text JMS message with the content defined (for example, "12.33 1000 ACP") to the specified JMS destination - dynamicQueues/JMSTextProxy.

ant jmsclient -Djms_type=text -Djms_payload="12.33 1000 ACP" -Djms_dest=dynamicQueues/JMSTextProxy

Following the debug logs, you could notice that ESB received the JMS text message and transformed it into a SOAP payload as follows.


The wrapper element "([http://services.samples/xsd])text" has been used to hold the text message content.

INFO - To: , WSAction: urn:mediate, SOAPAction: urn:mediate, MessageID:, Direction: request,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <axis2ns1:text xmlns:axis2ns1="http://services.samples/xsd">12.33 1000 ACP</axis2ns1:text>

Now, you could see how the Script Mediator created a stock quote request by tokenizing the text as follows, and sent the message to the placeOrder operation of the SimpleStockQuoteService.

INFO - To: , WSAction: urn:placeOrder, SOAPAction: urn:placeOrder, MessageID:, Direction: request,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <placeOrder xmlns="http://services.samples">
      <order xmlns="http://services.samples/xsd">

The sample Axis2 server would now accept the one way message and issue the following message:

Wed Apr 25 19:50:56 LKT 2007 :: Accepted order for : 1000 stocks of ACP at $ 12.33

The next section of this example demonstrates how a pure binary JMS message could be received and processed through ESB. The configuration creates a Proxy Service Sample named JMSFileUploadProxy that accepts binary messages and wraps them into a custom element "(http://services.samples/xsd)element." The received message is then forwarded to the MTOMSwASampleService using the SOAP action urn:oneWayUploadUsingMTOM and optimizing binary content using MTOM. To execute this sample, use the JMS client to publish a pure binary JMS message containing the file ./../../repository/samples/resources/mtom/asf-logo.gif to the JMS destination dynamicQueues/JMSFileUploadProxy as follows:

ant jmsclient -Djms_type=binary -Djms_dest=dynamicQueues/JMSFileUploadProxy -Djms_payload=./../../repository/samples/resources/mtom/asf-logo.gif

Examining the ESB debug logs reveals that the binary content was received over JMS and wrapped with the specified element into a SOAP infoset as follows:

INFO - To: , WSAction: urn:mediate, SOAPAction: urn:mediate, MessageID:, Direction: request,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <axis2ns3:element xmlns:axis2ns3="http://services.samples/xsd">R0lGODlhgw...AAOw==</axis2ns3:element>

Thereafter the message was sent as a MTOM optimized message as specified by the format=mtom attribute of the endpoint, to the MTOMSwASampleService using the SOAP action urn:oneWayUploadUsingMTOM. Once received by the sample service, it is saved into a temporary file and could be verified for correctness.

Wrote to file : ./../../work/temp/sampleServer/mtom-29208.gif

The final section of this example shows how a POX JMS message received by ESB is sent to the SimpleStockQuoteService as a SOAP message. Use the JMS client as follows to create a POX (Plain Old XML) message with a stock quote request payload (without a SOAP envelope), and send it to the JMS destination dynamicQueues/JMSPoxProxy as follows:

ant jmsclient -Djms_type=pox -Djms_dest=dynamicQueues/JMSPoxProxy -Djms_payload=MSFT

ESB converts the POX message into a SOAP payload and sends to the SimpleStockQuoteService after setting the SOAP action as urn:placeOrder. The sample Axis2 server displays a successful message on the receipt of the message as:

Wed Apr 25 20:24:50 LKT 2007 :: Accepted order for : 19211 stocks of MSFT at $ 172.39703010684752