Running the Product
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Running the Product

The following sections describe how to run the profiles of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI).

Starting the product profiles

Before you begin:

  • Download and install the product.
  • Apply the following changes:

     Verify your JDK settings

    As explained in the installation prerequisites, the default product installation uses OpenJDK. Therefore, you don't require a different JDK. However, if you have set up Oracle JDK or IBM JDK, be sure to apply the following settings to your product distribution.

     Update the MSF4J profile

    Before you start the MSF4J profile, be sure to deploy the microservices that you want to run on the server. To do this, add the JARs of your services to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/deployment/microservices/ directory.

     Update the Analytics profile
    • When starting the analytics profile, you may intermittently get a BindException error (i.e., Cannot assign requested address: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries!if the Apache Spark client does not start properly (due to an issue in socket binding on computers with multiple IP interfaces). Add the same hostname that you specify in the /etc/hosts file of your system as the value of the <HostName> element in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/analytics/conf/carbon.xml file to rectify this.
    • If you get the Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.xerial.snappy.Snappy exception when starting WSO2 EI Analytics in certain environments such as Windows or Red Hat linux, download the snappy-java_1.1.1.7.jar file and add it to the <EI_HOME>/lib directory.

To start each of the profiles in WSO2 EI, do the following:

Stopping the product profiles

To stop a profile, press Ctrl+C in the command window, or click Shutdown/Restart in the navigation pane of the management console. 

Running the ESB profile via Tooling

Before you begin, be sure to install both Enterprise Integrator Tooling and the WSO2 EI product.

Follow the steps below to run the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (EI) server via WSO2 EI Tooling.

  1. Click the ServersTab in WSO2 EI Tooling, and click the No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server... link.  
  2. Expand the WSO2 drop down and select the preferred version of the product.  
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click the Browse button of the CARBON_HOME option.
  5. Browse and select the <EI_HOME> directory, which is the parent directory of the product binary distribution.
  6. Click Next in the New WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 6.3.0 Runtime window, and then click Next again in the New WSO2 Carbon 4.4 based Server window.
  7. In the Available section of the Add and Remove window, select any Composite Applications, which you created via WSO2 EI Tooling that you want to upload to WSO2 EI.

    If you want to add multiple composite applications at once, select Add All.


  8. Click Add and then click Finish. You can view the WSO2 EI server added in the Servers tab.
  9. Right-click the name of the server at localhost and then click Start.

Signing in to the management console

When you start a WSO2 server, the URL of the management console will be printed on the terminal. Copy this URL to your browser and sign in to the management console using admin as both the username and password.

When the management console sign-in page appears, the Web browser typically displays an "insecure connection" message, which requires your confirmation before you can continue.

The management console is based on the HTTPS protocol, which is a combination of HTTP and SSL protocols. This protocol is generally used to encrypt the traffic from the client to server for security reasons. The certificate it works with is used for encryption only and does not prove the server identity. Therefore, when you try to access the management console, a warning of untrusted connection is usually displayed. To continue working with this certificate, some steps should be taken to "accept" the certificate before access to the site is permitted. If you are using the Mozilla Firefox browser, this usually occurs only on the first access to the server, after which the certificate is stored in the browser database and marked as trusted. With other browsers, the insecure connection warning might be displayed every time you access the server.

If you want to make the management console available to external users, your organization should obtain a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, which verifies that the server actually has the name it is accessed by and that this server actually belongs to the given organization.

What's next?

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