com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

OData Sample

Note that WSO2 EI is shipped with the following changes to what is mentioned in this documentation:

  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/ directory that includes all Data Integration samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/.
  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/resources/ directory that includes all artifacts related to the Data Integration samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/resources/.

Exposing a database as an OData service eliminates the need to define queries, operation etc. to access the information in the database. OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard that defines the best practice for building and consuming RESTful APIs. You can easily expose databases as an OData service using WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI).

About the sample

This OData sample was generated to work with the default h2 database (DATA_SERV_SAMP.h2.db), which is used for samples in WSO2 EI product. This database is stored in the <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/dbs/odata directory. The details of this database are as follows:

Driver class: org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:file:./samples/database/DATA_SERV_SAMP 

Tables in the DB:


Views in the DB:


You can find the DDL of these sql tables in <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/sql/h2 folder.

Building the sample

The sample data service named ODataSampleService should be deployed and the server should be started using the instructions in Samples Setup.

Executing the sample

You can easily invoke the service using HTTP requests. See the following examples.

If you want to invoke the OData services using the HTTPS protocol, use the 8243 port. For an example: https://localhost:8243/odata/ODataSampleService/default

  • To get the service document:

    GET http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default 
    Accept : application/json
  • To get the metadata of the service:

    GET http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/$metadata
    Accept : application/xml
  • To read customer details:

    GET http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/CUSTOMERS
    Accept : application/json

  • To read customer details from the 'USACUSTOMERS' view in the database, send the request as shown below. Note that database views can only be used with GET requests.

    GET http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/USACUSTOMERS
    Accept : application/json
  • To add accounts details, send the HTTP request as shown below. In this example, we will be creating an account ID named "1".

    POST http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/ACCOUNTS
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Type: application/json
    Prefer : return=representation
    { "BALANCE" : 12.22 ,"ACCOUNTID" : 1 }
  • To delete account details, send the HTTP request as shown below. In this example, we will be deleting the account ID "1".

    DELETE http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/ACCOUNTS(1)
    Accept: application/json
  • To update account details:

    PUT  http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/ACCOUNTS(1)
    Accept: application/json
    { "BALANCE" : 12.22 }
  • To invoke a particular query, send the HTTP request as shown below. In this example, we will receive the city and phone numbers of customers.

    GET  http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/CUSTOMERS?$select=CITY,PHONE
    Accept: application/json
  • To filter information based on a query, send the HTTP request as shown below. In this example, we will receive the employee details connected to the 'Nantes' city.

    GET http://localhost:8280/odata/ODataSampleService/default/CUSTOMERS?$filter=CITY eq 'Nantes'
    Accept: application/json
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.