Enrich Mediator
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Enrich Mediator

The Enrich Mediator can process a message based on a given source configuration and then perform the specified action on the message by using the target configuration. It gets an OMElement using the configuration specified in the source and then modifies the message by putting it on the current message using the configuration in the target.

The Enrich mediator is a content-aware mediator.


    <source [clone=true|false] [type=custom|envelope|body|property|inline] xpath | json-eval(JSON-Path)="" property="" />
    <target [action=replace|child|sibiling] [type=custom|envelope|body|property|inline] xpath | json-eval(JSON-Path)="" property="" />


The main properties of the Enrich Mediator available are:

Source configuration

The following properties are available:

  • Clone- By setting the clone configuration, the message can be cloned or used as a reference during enriching. The default value is true.
    • True
    • False
  • Type- The type that the mediator uses from the original message to enrich the modified message that passes through the mediator.
    • Custom - Custom XPath value.
    • Envelope - Envelope of the original message used for enriching.
    • Body - Body of the original message used for enriching.
    • Property - Specifies a property. For information on how you can use the Property mediator to specify properties, see Property Mediator.
  • XPath Expression - This field is used to specify the custom XPath value if you selected custom for the Type field.


You can click the Namespaces link to add namespaces if you are providing an expression. You will be provided another panel named "Namespace Editor," where you can provide any number of namespace prefixes and URL that you have used in the XPath expression. 

Target Configuration

The following properties are available:

  • Action - By specifying the action type, the relevant action can be applied to outgoing messages.
    • Replace - Replace is the default value of Action. It will be used if a specific value for Action is not given. This replaces the XML message based on the target type specified on the target configuration. 

    • Child - Adding as a child of the specified target type.
    • Sibling - Adding as a sibling of the specified target type.

    For the target type 'envelope', the action type should be 'replace'. Herein, action type 'child' is not acceptable because it adds an envelope within an envelope, and action type 'sibling' is also not acceptable because there will be two envelopes in a message if you use it.

  • Type and XPath Expression - Refer the Source configuration above.

    The target type depends on the source type. For the valid and invalid combinations of source and target types, see below table.

    Target type
    Source type

Using the Enrich Mediator with JSON

Note the following when using Enrich mediator with JSON payloads:

  • Only the add child operation is supported for JSON payloads. Add sibling operation can be achieved via add child indirectly.

    { "Nimal" : { "student_Id" : "001" , "Marks" : [ 23, 34, 45, 56 ] } } Adding a sibling to $.Nimal.Marks[0] is equal to adding a child to $.Nimal.Marks
  • When providing inline JSON payloads we can add JSON arrays, objects, and primitives (number, string, true, false). However, when enriching the inline content to the body, that content should be either a JSON object or an array.

  • You can add any JSON element (object, array, primitive) as a child if the target is a JSON array.

  • You can only add a JSON object as a child if the target is a JSON object.

  • Clone true/false does not apply to JSON as they are applied to XML payloads.


Example 1: Setting the property symbol

In this example, you are setting the property symbol. Later, you can log it using the Log Mediator.

<enrich xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">
           <source clone="false" type="envelope"/>
           <target type="property" property="payload" />

Example 2: Adding a child object to a property

In this example, you add a child property named Lamborghini to a property named Cars. The configuration for this is as follows:

<proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="_TestEnrich" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="enable" startOnLoad="true"> 
            <source type="inline" clone="true"> 
            <target type="property" property="Cars"/> 
         <log level="custom"> 
            <property name="PekeCarListBeforeEnrich" expression="get-property('Cars')"/> 
            <source type="inline" clone="true"> 
            <target action="child" xpath="$ctx:Cars"/> 
         <log level="custom"> 
            <property name="PekeCarListAfterEnrich" expression="get-property('Cars')"/> 

Example 3 - Adding a SOAPEnvelope type object as a property to a message

In this example, you add the SOAP envelope in a SOAP request as a property to a message. The Enrich mediator is useful in this scenario since adding the property directly using the Property mediator results in the SOAPEnvelope object being created as an OM type object. The OM type object created cannot be converted back to a SOAPEnvelope object.

<source type="envelope" clone="true"/>
<target type="property" property="ExtractedEnvelope"/>

Example 4 - Preserving the original payload

In this example, you copy the original payload to a property using the Enrich mediator.

      <source clone="false" type="body"/>
      <target action="replace" type="property" property="ORIGINAL_PAYLOAD"/>

Then whenever you need the original payload, you replace the message body with this property value using the Enrich mediator as follows:

      <source clone="false" type="property" property="ORIGINAL_PAYLOAD"/>
      <target action="replace" type="body"/>

For other example using the Enrich mediator, see 
/wiki/spaces/EI6xx/pages/49610946 and /wiki/spaces/EI6xx/pages/49611297.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.