com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Publish Event Mediator

The Publish Event mediator constructs events and publishes them to different systems such as BAM and CEP. This is done via event sinks.

The Publish Event mediator is a content-aware mediator.


            <attribute name="string" type="dataType" default="" (value="literal" | expression="[XPath") />
             <attribute name="string" type="dataType" default="" (value="literal" | expression="[XPath") />
             <attribute name="string" type="dataType" default="" (value="literal" | expression="[XPath") />
             <attribute name="string" type="dataType" default="" value="literal" />


Parameters that can be configured for the Publish Event mediator are as follows.

Parameter NameDescription
Stream NameThe name of the stream to be used for sending data.
Stream VersionThe version of the stream to be used for sending data.
EventSinkThe name of the event sink to which the events should be published.

You can add the following four types of attributes to a Publish Event mediator configuration.

Meta Attributes: The list of attributes which are included in the Meta section of the event.
Correlated Attributes: The list of attributes that are included in the Correlated section of the event.
Payload Attributes: The list of attributes that are included in the Payload section of the event.
Arbitrary Attributes: The list of attributes that are included in the Arbitrary section of the event. 

The parameters that are available to configure an individual attribute are as follows.

Parameter NameDescription
Attribute NameThe name of the attribute.
Attribute Value

This parameter specifies whether the value of the attribute should be a static value or an expression.

  • Value: Select this if the attribute value should be a static value, and enter the relevant value in the Value/Expression parameter.
  • Expression: Select this if the attribute value should be evaluated via an XPath expression, and enter the relevant expression in the Value/Expression parameter.
Value/ExpressionThe value of the attribute. You can enter a static value, or an expression to evaluate the value depending on the selection made in the Attribute Value parameter.
TypeThe data type of the attribute.
ActionClick Delete in the relevant row to delete an attribute.


In this configuration, the Publish Event mediator uses four attributes to extract information from the ESB profile. This information is published in an event sink in the ESB profile named sample_event_sink.

        <attribute name="http_method"
                   expression="get-property('axis2', 'HTTP_METHOD')"/>
        <attribute name="destination"
        <attribute name="date"
        <attribute xmlns:m0="http://services.samples"
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.