com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Datasource Configuration Definitions

The following sections explain the datasource configurations that are available in ES:


Sample configuration

<datasources-configuration xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration">
            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

XML definitions

The following table explains the XML definitions related to datasource configurations.

Click on the table and use the left and right arrow keys to scroll horizontally. 

XML ElementDescriptionData TypeDefault ValueMandatory/
datasources-configurationThe root element. The namespace is specified as: xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration"  Mandatory
providersThe container element for the datasource providers.  Mandatory


The datasource provider, which should implement org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource.common
. The datasources follow a pluggable model in providing datasource type implementations using this approach.
Fully qualified Java class Optional
datasourcesThe container element for the datasources.  Mandatory
datasourceThe root element of a datasource.  Mandatory
nameName of the datasource.String Mandatory
descriptionDescription of the datasource.String Optional
jndiConfigThe container element that allows you to expose this datasource as a JNDI datasource.  Optional
nameThe JNDI resource name to which this datasource will be bound.String Mandatory if specifying JNDI configuration
definitionThe container element for the data source definition. Set the type attribute to RDBMS, or to custom if you're creating a custom type. The "RDBMS" data source reader expects a "configuration" element with the sub-elements listed below.String Mandatory
configurationThe container element for the RDBMS properties.  Mandatory if definition type is RDBMS
urlThe connection URL to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection.URL Mandatory
usernameThe connection user name to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection.String Optional
passwordThe connection password to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection.String Optional
driverClassNameThe class name of the JDBC driver to use. If you are using another DB (e.g., if you are using MySQL instead of H2), you need to update this element.Fully qualified Java class Mandatory
maxActiveThe maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time.Integer50Optional
maxWaitMaximum number of milliseconds that the pool waits (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception.Integer


(60 seconds)
testOnBorrowSpecifies whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and we will attempt to borrow another.
When set to true, the validationQuery parameter must be set to a non-null string.
validationQueryThe SQL query used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller. If specified, this query does not have to return any data, it just can't throw a SQLException. The default value is null. Example values are SELECT 1 (mysql), SELECT 1 FROM DUAL (Oracle), SELECT 1 (MS SQL Server).StringSELECT 1Mandatory when testOnBorrow is set to true
validationIntervalTo avoid excess validation, only run validation at most at this frequency (interval time in milliseconds). If a connection is due for validation, but has been validated previously within this interval, it will not be validated again. The default value is 30000 (30 seconds).Long30000 (30 seconds)Optional
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.