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Default Endpoint

The Default Endpoint is an endpoint defined for adding QoS and other configurations to the endpoint which is resolved from the To address of the message context. All the configurations such as message format for the endpoint, the method to optimize attachments, reliable messaging, security policies for the endpoint can be specified as in the Address Endpoint. This endpoint differs from the address endpoint only in the URI attribute which will not be present in this endpoint.

XML Configuration


You can configure the Default endpoint using XML. Click on "Switch to source view" in the "Default Endpoint" page.

<default [format="soap11|soap12|pox|get"] [optimize="mtom|swa"]
     [encoding="charset encoding"]
     [statistics="enable|disable"] [trace="enable|disable"]>

    <enableRM [policy="key"]/>?
    <enableSec [policy="key"]/>?
    <enableAddressing [version="final|submission"] [separateListener="true|false"]/>?

        <duration>timeout duration in milliseconds</duration>



UI Configuration

1. In the "Add Endpoint" tab, click "Default Endpoint" (See Adding an Endpoint). The "Default Endpoint" page appears.

  • Name - The only Default Endpoint specific option. It defines the unique name of an endpoint.

2. In case you want to configure advanced options, click on the "Show Advanced Options" drop-down pane.

3. Then the page with all the available Default Endpoint options appears.

Specific advanced options of a Default Endpoint are the following:

  • Format - The message format for the endpoint. The available values are:
    • Leave As-Is - No transformation is done to the outgoing message.
    • SOAP 1.1 - Transforming message to SOAP 1.1.
    • SOAP 1.2 - Transforming message to SOAP 1.2.
    • Plain Old XML (POX) - Transforming to plain old XML format.
    • Representational State Transfer (REST/GET) - Transforming to HTTP Get Request.
  • Optimize - Optimization for the message which transfers binary data. The available values are:
    • Leave As-Is - No special Optimization. It keeps the original message.
    • SwA - Optimized as a SwA (SOAP with Attachment) message.
    • MTOM - Optimized as a MTOM (message transmission optimization mechanism).


The rest of the fields are general to all endpoints. See the detailed information about common options in Adding an Endpoint.