Using Topic-based Remote Registry as Subscription Manager

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Using Topic-based Remote Registry as Subscription Manager

Objective: Demonstrate the usage of WSO2 registry as a topic based subscription manager.


  • Deploy the SimpleStockQuoteService in sample Axis2 server and start it on port 9000. Run the WSO2 Registry in the local machine using the port 9446 (HTTPs).
  • Start Synapse with the sample configuration 503 (i.e. wso2esb-samples -sn 503).
<definitions xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse">
     <eventSource name="SampleEventSource">
             <property name="registryURL"
                 value="https://localhost:9446/registry/" />
             <property name="username" value="admin" />
             <property name="password" value="admin" />
             <property name="topicHeaderName" value="Topic" />
             <property name="topicHeaderNS"
                 value="http://apache.org/aip" />

     <sequence name="PublicEventSource">
         <log level="full" />
         <eventPublisher eventSourceName="SampleEventSource" />

     <proxy name="EventingProxy">
         <target inSequence="PublicEventSource" />

In this sample, subscriptions stored in the WSO2 Registry,

Invoke the client (Subscriber) as follows.

ant eventsubscriber

Invoke the client (Sender) as follows.

ant eventsender

See Simple Eventing Sample.