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Rule Mediator

The Rule Mediator is to integrate the WSO2 Rules component to the WSO2 ESB in order to define dynamic integration decisions in terms of rules.



        <source [ key="xs:string" ]>
            [ in-Lined ]
            <property name="xs:string" value="xs:string"/>*

    <session type="[stateless|stateful]"/>*

        <fact name="xs:string" type="xs:string" expression="xs:string" value="xs:string"/>+

        <result name="xs:string" type="xs:string" expression="xs:string" value="xs:string"/>*

    [ <childMediators>
      </childMediators> ]

The Main Elements of the Rule Token


The <source> is the only mandatory element of the <ruleset>. However, the properties required for the creation of the Ruleset can also be specified within <ruleset>. The key attribute is a registry "key", which is to lookup the Rule script from the registry if the rule script is in the registry. The Ruleset can be given as a child node of <source> element. If the Ruleset is non-XML, you may need to wrap it with a CDATA section inside a XML tag ex:

<X><![CDATA[ native code]]></X>


The key or inlined Rule script must be defined. Otherwise, the Rule Mediator configuration is invalid.


Rule Session specifies the stateful or stateless behavior of the Rule engine. If this has value stateful, then the Eule engine will execute Rules in a stateful manner, for any other value, it assumes as stateless. There are optional properties, which are used when creating the Rule Session.


Rule Session is optional and the default one is "Stateful."

<facts> / <results>

  • Facts - Specifies the facts being used in Ruleset. It also defines how to formulate facts from the message, etc.
  • Results - Defines how to handle results from the Ruleset execution. Results adapters usually enrich the message with results. For example, If you are using POJO adapter (i.e. a Java class as the type; the class name of a result), then we transform POJO into an XML and attached to the SOAP message.

The Main Attributes of the <facts> and <results> elements:

  • "name" - The unique name.
  • "value" - Represents any static value.
  • "expression" - XPath expression for extracting data from the message being passed between ESB components.


    The default value is the first child of the SOAP Body.

  • type - Defines the type of the input data. There are a few built-in types:
    • Message
    • Context
    • Map
    • POJO
    • Mediator


      Using the rule-component.conf, you can register new types along with adapters, which are responsible for formulating specified types from the data. If there is no registered adapter for a given type, then, we assume the given type as a valid Java class name and uses POJO adapter to formulate the POJO instance whose class is the given type.

UI Configuration

The Main Elements of the Rule Mediator
Rule Set

Rule script can be given as a registry key or an in-lined script. To give rule script as in-lined, you can use editor.

Rule Set options:

  • In-lined - Allows to create or edit the Script of the Rule using the "Rule Script Editor."
  • Registry Lookup - Allows to choose the key from Configuration Registry or Governance Registry.


Source Format - XML or native.
If the language is a XML, then this attribute should be XML.  Any other value, the Rule Mediator assumes that the rule script is in native format. If the rule script is in native format, it should be given by wrapping as a CDATA section inside a XML tag ex: <X><![CDATA[ native code]]></X>.

It is possible to exists properties for rules set creation, registration, deregistration and there are add property options for each.

For example, when using Drool native language (DRL) for rule script, it is necessary to provide DSL file .This can be done using attribute named source and value DRL.

<property name="source" value="drl"/>


The key or in-lined rule script must be defined. Otherwise the Rule Mediator is invalid.

Rule Set Creation Properties

Those are used when creating Rule Set.

Rule Set Creation Properties options:

  • Name - The name of the Rule Set property.
  • Value - The type of the property value.
  • Action - Deletes the property.

Rule Session

Session Type - Indicates the stateful or stateless behavior of the Rule engine:

  • Stateful - Rule engine will execute Rules in a state full manner.
  • Stateless
Rule Session Configuration Properties

Those are used when creating Rule Session.

Rule Session Configuration Properties options:

  • Name - The name of the Rule Set property.
  • Value - The type of the property value.
  • Action - Deletes the property.
Facts and Results

  • Type - This is the only mandatory field. Fact selector can be used to specify any registered fact types.
  • Fact/Result Selector - Allows to select the type of Fact/Result.
    • New Type
    • Build-in Type:
      • message
      • dom
      • content
      • omelement
      • mediator
  • Name -The name of the fact.
  • Fact Source Type - Can be literal, a registry key or an expression.
  • Value - The registry or Message context key .This is used for getting data from either registry or message context.
  • Registry Browser - If the key is registry resource, the browser selects the resource. See Registry Browser and Namespace.
  • NS Editor - You can click this link to add namespaces if you are providing an expression. You will be provided another panel named "Namespace Editor," where you can provide any number of namespace prefixes and URL. See Registry Browser and Namespace.
  • Action - Deletes the input out put.


You can configure the Mediator using XML. Click on "switch to source view" in the "Mediator" window.


        <source key="rule/sample.xml"/>
            <fact name="symbol" type="java.lang.String"
                    <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/>


In the above configuration, Rule script is picked from the registry with key rule/sample.xml. There is a one fact and it is a string variable. Its value is calculated from the current SOAP message using an expression. Rule engine uses these facts to decide what rules should fire.