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WSDL Validator

The "WSDL Validator" tool can be used to validate a WSDL document. You can upload your WSDL or you can provide a WSDL URL. The tool will validate your WSDL and print the result in the "Validation Result" section.

Follow the instructions below to use the "WSDL Validator" tool in the WSO2 ESB.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. From the left navigation menu, under "Tools," select "WSDL Validator."

3. The "WSDL Validator" page appears.

Uploading a WSDL

1. You can upload the WSDL document to be validated using the following UI. Click on the "Browse" button to upload a document.

2. Click on the "Validate From File" button.

Providing a WSDL URL

1. You can provide the URL of your WSDL document to be validated using the following UI.

2. Click on the "Validate From File" button.

Validation Result

Validation result will be shown as follows.