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Adding a Discovery Proxy

WS-Discovery is a standard mechanism for locating services and service endpoints in a SOA. It is a technical specification that defines a multicast discovery protocol to locate services on a local network. As the name suggests, the actual communication between nodes is done using web services standards, notably SOAP-over-UDP.

Follow the instructions below to add a new Discovery Proxy in WSO2 ESB.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Click the "Configure" button to access the "Configure" menu.

3. From the "Configure" menu, select "WS-Discovery."

4. In the "WS-Discovery Control Panel" page, click on the "Add Discovery Proxy" link.

5. In the "Configure WS-Discovery Proxy" page, specify a preferred "Proxy Name" for the remote discovery proxy and "URL", over which the remote proxy can be reached.


If the remote discovery proxy is secured using WS-Security, first you need to upload the client security policy to the configuration registry of Carbon and then point to it in the discovery proxy configuration page.

6. Having entered all the required parameters, click "Save" to save the settings to the underlying registry.

7. You will be taken back to the "WS-Discovery Control Panel" page, and this time you will notice that the newly created WS-Discovery proxy configuration is listed there.