Browsing Discovered Services

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Browsing Discovered Services

A WS-Discovery proxy discovers and manages service endpoints in your SOA. To browse discovered services, connect to discovery proxies in your environment and make use of the endpoints that have been already discovered. See Adding a Discovery Proxy.

Follow the instructions below to browse discovered services.

1. Sign in. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Click the "Configure" button to access the "Configure" menu.

3. From the "Configure" menu, select "WS-Discovery."

4. From "WS-Discovery Control Panel" select the discovery proxy, to which you wish to connect and click on the "View" option.


You only can do this for a proxy, whose status is "On-Line."

5. This will send a WS-Discovery probe to the remote proxy and retrieve all the services discovered by the proxy. The retrieved information will then be displayed as follows on the "Target Services and Endpoints" page.

6. If the remote proxy is configured to return the inactive services, they will also be displayed on the above view. You can further refine the results by the entering a search query in the "Search by Scopes" search box. Enter either a single scope (URI) or a comma separated list of scopes to short list the result set displayed. Each search will trigger a WS-Discovery probe to the remote proxy. Click "GO" to refine.

7. To get more information on a service, click on the service ID in the "Target Services and Endpoints" page. This will take you to the target service view.

8. You can see the exact types, scopes, endpoints and transports of the service in the "Target Service" page. A WS-Discovery resolve request is sent to the discovery proxy to obtain the necessary data.

9. The "Target Service" view also allows you to construct mediation endpoints out of the endpoints of the target service. Such mediation endpoints then can be used in mediation sequences and proxy services. To create a mediation endpoint, click and expand the "Create ESB Endpoints" panel.


This panel will be displayed only if the endpoint UI component is installed in the Carbon server.

10. Enter a "Name" for the mediation endpoint, select a target "Address" and click on "Save" to create the endpoint. You can then browse to Manage > Endpoints view to see the newly constructed mediation endpoint and do the necessary changes to the endpoint configuration.

See more information in WS-Discovery.