Managing Registry Content

This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit https://wso2.com/documentation/.

Managing Registry Content

When browsing the registry, if the currently selected entity is a collection, the Entries panel shows the child entries under that collection. It provides details of each entry, which can be either another collection or a resource, and allows you to  add a new resource, add a new collection and create a link.

If the currently selected entity is a resource, the Content panel provides a user interface through which you can display, edit, upload, and download the content.

Entries Panel

WSO2 Carbon registry repository

You can use the links at the top of the Entries panel to  add a new resource, add a new collection and create a link in this collection. Below these links is a list of the child resources in this collection. You can click the Info icon to see detailed information about that resources, including its media type, feed, and rating.

To take action on a resource, click its "Actions" icon.

The following actions are available, depending on the resource type:

  • Rename - Rename the resource.
  • Move - Move the resource to a specified directory.
  • Delete - Delete the resource.
  • Copy - Copy the resource to a specified directory.

Renaming a Resource

1. To rename a resource, click "Rename" and enter a new name to the field.

2. Click on the "Rename" button to save a new name of a resource.

Moving a Resource

1. To move a resource to a new directory, click "Move" and specify "Destination Path."

2. Click "Move."

Deleting a Resource

1. To delete a resource, click "Delete" and confirm your request in the "WSO2 Carbon" window. Click "Yes."

Copying a Resource

1. To copy a resource to another directory, click "Copy" and specify "Destination Path."

2. Click "Copy."

If the resource was successfully copied, the "WSO2 Carbon" window appears. Click "OK."

Content Panel

Use the links in the Content panel to take the following actions on the resource:

Displaying as text

The "Display as text" function allows only to view the content of a resource.

1. Click on the "Display as text" link to see the content.

2. Click on the "Done" button to hide the text.

Editing as text

The "Edit as text" function allows to edit a resource either in "Plain Text Editor" or "Rich Text Editor."

1. Click on the "Edit as text" link to see a resource text in the editor.

2. Once editing the text, click on the "Save Content" button.


The "Upload" function allows to upload a file to the resource.

1. Click on the "Upload" link to upload a file.

2. Use the "Browse" button to select a file from the registry.

3. Once selecting a file click on the "Upload" button.


The "Download" function allows to download the resource from the host.

1. Click on the "Download" link.

2. The "Security Warning" window may appear. Click "Save" to start downloading.

3. Select a path to save a resource.

4. Click "Save" to download a resource to a specified directory.