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Working with Search in Evernote


The following operations allow you to carry out search operations. Click an operation name to see details on how to use it. 

For a sample proxy service that illustrates how to work with search, see Sample configuration.



Makes a new SavedSearch in the account.


Retrieves the state of a single SavedSearch .


Changes an existing SavedSearch.


Permanently removes an existing SavedSearch .

Operation details

This section provides details on each of the operations.


This is make a saved search with a set of information. 

  • searchName :-Required. The name of the saved search to display in the GUI. The account may only contain one search with a given name

  • query :-Required. A string expressing the search to be performed

  • includeAccount :- Optional. The search should include notes from the account that contains the SavedSearch.

  • includePersonalLinkedNotebooks :-Optional. The search should include notes within those shared notebooks.that the user has joined that are NOT business notebooks.

  • includeBusinessLinkedNotebooks :-Optional. The search should include notes within those shared notebooks that the user has joined that are business notebooks in the business that the user is currently a member of. 

Sample request

Following is a sample request that can be handled by the createSearch operation.

Sample Request for createSearch
 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:evr="wso2.connector.evernote">
Related Evernote documentation


Returns the current state of the search with the provided GUID. 




searchGuid :- Required. The GUID of the search to be retrieved 

Sample request

Following is a sample request that can be handled by the getSearch operation.

Sample Request for getSearch
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:evr="wso2.connector.evernote">
Related Evernote documentation


Permanently deletes the saved search with the provided GUID. 

  • searchGuid :- Required. The GUID of the search to delete. 
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the expungeSearch operation.

Sample Request for expungeSearch
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:evr="wso2.connector.evernote">
Related Evernote documentation


Submits search changes to the service. The provided data must include the search's guid field for identification. 

	<includePersonalLinkedNotebooks>{$ctx:includePersonalLinkedNote books}</includePersonalLinkedNotebooks>


  • searchGuid :- Required. The unique identifier of this search. Will be set by the service

  • searchName :-Optional. The name of the saved search to display in the GUI

  • query :-Optional. A string expressing the search to be performed.

  • includeAccount :- Optional. The search should include notes from the account thatcontains the SavedSearch.

  • includePersonalLinkedNotebooks :-Optional. The search should include notes within those shared notebooks.that the user has joined that are NOT business notebooks.

  • includeBusinessLinkedNotebooks :-Optional. The search should include notes within those shared notebooks that the user has joined that are business notebooks in the business that the user is currently a member of. 

Sample request

Following is a sample request that can be handled by the updateSearch operation.

Sample Request for updateSearch
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:evr="wso2.connector.evernote">
Related Evernote documentation

Sample configuration

Following is a sample proxy service that illustrates how to connect to Evernote with the init operation and use the getSearch operation.You can use this sample as a template for other operation.The sample request for this proxy can be found in Sample Request for getSearch

Sample Proxy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF­8"?>
<proxy xmlns=""
<property xmlns:ns="wso2.connector.evernote" name="devToken" expression="//ns:devToken"/>
<property xmlns:ns="wso2.connector.evernote" name="devTokenType" expression="//ns:devTokenType"/>
<property xmlns:ns="wso2.connector.evernote" name="noteStoreUrl" expression="//ns:noteStoreUrl"/>
<property xmlns:ns="wso2.connector.evernote" name="searchGuid" expression="//ns:searchGuid"/>				          