Configuring Eloqua Standard API Operations

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Configuring Eloqua Standard API Operations

To use the Eloqua connector, add the <eloqua.init> element in your configuration before carrying out any other Eloqua operations to authenticate the request using HTTP basic authentication.

  • siteName  : The site name of the user.

  • username  : The username of the user.

  • password  : The password of the user.

For more information on authentication, see Basic Authentication.

Import the Eloqua certificate to your ESB client keystore.

You can follow the following steps to import your Eloqua certificate into wso2esb client’s keystore as follows:

  1. View the certificate details (the steps vary by browser) and then export the trust certificate to the file system.

  2. Use the ESB Management Console or the following command to import that certificate into the ESB client keystore. keytool -importcert -file CERT_FILE_NAME -keystore <ESB_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks -alias "CERT_NAME"

      NOTE : CERT_FILE_NAME - Replace CERT_FILE_NAME with the file name that was extracted from Eloqua with the extension. (e.g. eloqua.crt)

                   CERT_NAME - Replace CERT_NAME with an arbitrary name for the certificate. (e.g. eloqua)

  3. Restart the server and deploy the Eloqua configuration.

Additional Information

Ensure that the following Axis2 configurations are added and enabled in the <ESB_HOME>\repository\conf\axis2\axis2.xml file.

Required message formatters
<messageFormatter contentType="text/html" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.ExpandingMessageFormatter"/>
Required message builders
<messageBuilder contentType="text/html" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder"/>

Now that you have connected to Eloqua, use the information in the following topics to perform various operations with the connector.