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Configuring BigQuery Operations

To use the BigQuery connector, add the <bigquery.init> or <bigquery.getAccessTokenFromServiceAccount> element in your configuration before carrying out any other BigQuery operations. 

The BigQuery API requires all requests to be authenticated as a user or a service account. For more information, see and about the service account authentication see

  • apiUrl: The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API.
  • accessToken: OAuth token for BigQuery API.
  • clientId:  Client Id for BigQuery API.
  • clientSecret: Client Secret for BigQuery API.
  • refreshToken: RefreshToken token for BigQuery API.
  • registryPath: Registry path to save the access token.
  • fields: List of fields to be returned in the response.
  • callback: Name of the JavaScript callback function that handles the response. Used in JavaScript JSON-P requests.
  • apiKey: API key. Required, unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
  • prettyPrint: Returns response with indentations and line breaks. Returns the response in a human-readable format if true.
  • quotaUser: Alternative to userIp. Lets you enforce per-user quotas from a server-side application even in cases when the user's IP address is unknown.
  • userIp: IP address of the end user for whom the API call is being made. Lets you enforce per-user quotas when calling the API from a server-side application.
  • ifMatch: Etag value to use for returning a page of list values if the values have not changed.
  • ifNoneMatch: Etag value to use for returning a page of list values if the values have changed.


You can using only the below getAccessTokenFromServiceAccount  to get the access token and do all the other operations.

  • apiUrl: The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API.
  • keyStoreLocation: The location where the p12 key file is located.
  • serviceAccount: The value of the service Account.
  • scope: The space delimited scope to access the API.
  • accessTokenRegistryPath: The registry path to store the access token(This is an optional parameter).
Sample request

Following is a sample REST request that can be handled by the getAccessTokenFromServiceAccount operation.

Sample Request for getAccessTokenFromServiceAccount method
	"keyStoreLocation":"/home/hariprasath/Desktop/bigQuery/p12/Data Services - Non Production.p12",


  • apiUrl: The base end point URL of the BigQuery API.
  • authorizationCode: Authorization code to be used to obtain the access token.
  • redirectUrl: Redirect URL to be used in the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.
  • clientId:  Client Id for BigQuery API.
  • clientSecret: Client Secret for BigQuery API.
  • registryPath: Registry path to save the access token.

When the getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode operation is executed, the new values will be updated to the accessToken and refreshToken registry entries.

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode operation.

Sample Request for getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode
  "authorizationCode": "4/crg1KE2zMBMQPJTrYct-wszP0j-J8Zfzd5adVz2ci7I",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "redirectUrl": "https://localhost",
  "clientId": "",
  "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
  "registryPath": "connectors/bq"
Related BigQuery documentation


  • apiUrl: The base end point URL of the BigQuery API.
  • clientId:  Client Id for BigQuery API.
  • clientSecret: Client Secret for BigQuery API.
  • refreshToken: RefreshToken token for BigQuery API.

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken operation.

Sample Request for getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken
  "apiUrl": "",
  "clientId": "",
  "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
  "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM"
Related BigQuery documentation

Now that you have connected to BigQuery, use the information in the following topics to perform various operations with the connector.