This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Managing Entries and Content

The third panel in the detail view is named either "Entries" or "Content" depending on the type of entry selected. An entry can be either a collection or a resource. If the currently selected entry is a resource, the third panel of the detail view is called the "Content" panel.

The "Content panel" provides a user interface through which one can visualize, display, edit, upload, and download the content.

If the currently selected entity is a collection, it is called  the "Entries" panel and shows the child entries under that collection. It provides details of each entry.

Here you can also add a new resource, add a new collection and create link.

The Entries Panel

The following information is given.

  • Add Resource
  • Add Collection
  • Create Link
  • Child Resources - The list of child entries provides the following information:
    • Name - The name of a child resource.
    • Created On - The date when a child resource was created.
  • Author - The author who created a child resource.

You can also see the detailed information about the resource by clicking on the "Info" icon. The following information is available:

  • Media Type
  • Feed
  • Rating

To see the available actions over a resource, click on the "Actions" icon.

The following actions over the resources are available:

  • #Rename - Allows to rename a resource.
  • #Move - Allows to move a resource to a new directory.
  • #Delete - Allows to delete a resource.
  • #Copy - Allows to copy a resource to a specified directory.


All these options are available not for all the resources.

Renaming a Resource

1. To rename a resource, click "Rename" and enter a new name to the field.

2. Click on the "Rename" button to save a new name of a resource.

Moving a Resource

1. To move a resource to a new directory, click "Move" and specify "Destination Path."

2. Click "Move."

Deleting a Resource

1. To delete a resource, click "Delete" and confirm your request by clicking "Yes" in the message that appears if the resource is deleted successfully.

Copying a Resource

1. To copy a resource to some directory, click "Copy" and specify "Destination Path."

Click "Copy" button.

If the resource was successfully copied, a confirmation message appears.