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Carbon Applications

A Carbon Application (cApp) is a collection of artifacts, which can be deployed on a Carbon instance (for example, the WSO2 Gadget Server) to easily port your Web services based solution from one environment to another. WSO2 Carbon Studio, an Eclipse based development environment, facilitates the creation of Carbon Applications.

When developing solutions using the WSO2 Carbon platform, there can be many artifact types used in it. For example, Axis2 services, Synapse artifacts (endpoints, Proxy Services, mediators, etc. ), Registry Resources, Data Services, etc. Normally these artifacts are developed in a development environment and then moved one by one into the staging and production environments. On each and every setup, you have to manually configure these artifacts in order to build up the entire solution. This is a time-consuming process.

Carbon Applications save time by providing the facility to export your entire solution as a single cApp artifact and simply deploy it in the server. WSO2 Web services development tooling environment (Carbon Studio) can be used to develop your individual artifacts and export them as a single cApp artifact. In this case, a gadget archive (.dar file) can be created using Carbon Studio. The .dar file resides in a cApp (.car file). The tree structure of a gadget archive is as follows:

|-- css files folder
|-- images folder  
|-- gadget-conf.xml
`-- gadget.xml

The gadget-conf.xml file contains the name of the gadget, its author, description and the path to which the .dar file should be deployed in the Gadget Server. The structure of a sample gadget-conf.xml is as follows:

           <description>This is for testing.</description>

You can then deploy it in the WSO2 Gadget Server, which has cApp deployment capabilities.

For a step-by-step illustration on how to create a gadget artifact (cApp) using WSO2 Carbon Studio, test and deploy it to the Gadget Server, apply required configurations and viewed it from the Gadget Portal, refer to the following tutorial in the Knowledge Base: How to Create Gadgets Using Carbon Studio

Also see how to upload, browse and delete Carbon Applications in the WSO2 Gadget Server.