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Gadget Server Features

  • Enterprise-class Portal Interface : Users get to organize gadgets in a familiar portal interface. Sets of gadgets can be organised using tabs. Individual gadgets can be moved between tabs as well as cloning an entire tab to be used as the foundation for a new tab.
  • Client-side Gadgets : Any gadget adhering to the Google Gadget Specification can be added to the portal. These gadgets are basically HTML and Javascript embedded in XML. They can be hosted in any publicly accessible Web Server. The URL of the gadget XML is used to add them to the Portal.
  • Enterprise Gadget Repository : Organizations can maintain a central repository of gadgets. Portal users can browse and add gadgets from this repository to their individual portals, while rating and commenting on individual gadgets.
  • Anonymous Mode : Users can experience most of the Portal's functionality 'excluding' the gadget Repository even before registration and sign in. All data in this mode will be stored in the user's browser.
  • OAuth Support for Gadgets : Gadget Server enables to add OAuth keys for gadgets to communicate with external APIs such as Google GData, Twitter etc.
  • Inter-gadget Communication : Gadget Server allows inter-gadget communication.
  • I18n Support for Gadget : Gadget Server supports internationalization of gadgets.
  • User Registration, Sign-in and External User Stores : User registration and sign in can be done using OpenID or Infocards in addition to the traditional user name and password based scheme. Also the Gadget can be integrated to a external user stores such as LDAP and AD.
  • Management Console : Helps configure and manage the server, its users and the Enterprise Gadget Repository via an intuitive browser based administrative interface.
  • Custom Layouts for Tabs : Gadget Server users can choose a desired layout form six different layouts when creating a new tab.
  • Role Based Permission : Gadgets can be restricted based on users role.
  • Make SOAP Request Support : Not only REST style requests, gadgets written for WSO2 Gadget Server can consume SOAP only web service via make SOAP Request.
  • Theming Support : Gadget Server users can create custom templates for the portal UI, and add them via Gadget Server management console.
  • Gadget Archive Deployment : With WSO2 Carbon Application deployment, users can, write gadgets using Carbon Studio and deploy the gadget archive in to the Gadget server.
  • Based on Carbon 3.2.0 : Gadget Server release is based on Carbon "Middleware a' la carte" which is an OSGi-based SOA platform version 3.2.0 by WSO2 Inc.
  • Optimized Performance : Gadget Server users can now experience better performance in dashboard and gadget loading due to asynchronous gadget rendering.
  • Search-enabled Gadget Repository : Allows users to search for gadgets inside the gadget repository.
  • Improved UI to Pick Gadgets : Gadget Server users can now pick gadget XML from registry, File system or from external repositories.
  • Enhanced Permission Model for Theming : Now gadget server supports new permission model for theming usage where the administrator could set permission for different users to use different themes.
  • Improved Gadget Source Editor : Now users can edit gadget source at the gadget repository itself using the user friendly gadget source editor.