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Adding Menu Item

Described below is how to add a menu item by adding a menu element to the registry extension file.


The menu definitions are standard to the Carbon Platform, and you can copy any generic menu configuration into this block. Below are simple descriptions of the above elements.

  • id - Menu identifier
  • i18n-key - Name for the new menu item appearing in the list. The key is borrowed from the file.
  • i18n-bundle - Place where you put the file
  • parent-menu - Parent menu
  • link - On-click
  • url-params - Parameters parse on URL
  • region - Which region it belongs to
  • order - Order of appearance in the list
  • style-class - CSS
  • icon - Icon
  • require-permission - User permissions required to see the menu

However, if there is a specifying menu of items to point to JSPs that have been specifically created for representing Governance Artifacts, you need to be mindful of some parameters.

1. ../generic/add_edit.jsp requires the following parameters:

  • key - Must be equal to artifactkey defined above
  • lifecycleAttribute - The attribute used to define the lifecycle
  • breadcrumb - The title of the breadcrumb link for the add_edit.jsp page

2. ../generic/list.jsp requires key, which has to be equal to artifactkey defined in the registry extension file.

3. ../generic/configure.jsp requires the following parameters:

  • key - Must be equal to artifactkey defined in the registry extension file
  • lifecycleAttribute - The attribute used to define the lifecycle
  • breadcrumb - The title of the breadcrumb link for the configure.jsp page
  • add_edit_region - The value of the region parameter of the add_edit.jsp page (same as the region specified in the menu definition that you would use to create a link to the add_edit.jsp page)
  • add_edit_item - The value of the item parameter of the add_edit.jsp }}page (same as the menu ID specified in the menu definition that you would use to create a link to the {{add_edit.jsp page)
  • add_edit_breadcrumb - The title of the breadcrumb link for the add_edit.jsp page