Receiving Alerts

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Receiving Alerts

Alerts generated by WSO2 Identity Server are viewed in the Analytics Dashboard. Follow the steps below to view alerts generated.

  1. Access the Analytics Dashboard with the https://<ANALYTICS_HOST>:<ANALYTICS_PORT>/portal/dashboards/ URL and log in with your credentials.
  2. In the Security Analytics dashboard, click View to open it.
  3. Click Security Alerts in the left navigator to open the Alerts page. 
  4. Select a time interval. In this example, Last Hour is selected. All the alerts that are generated for this time interval are listed as shown in the example below.

    Click Export in this page if you want to export the information displayed to a PDF document.
  5. If you want to view detailed information of alerts that were generated for abnormally long sessions, click ABNORMAL LONG SESSION in the left navigator and select the required time range. Information is displayed as shown in the example below.
  6. If you want to view detailed information of alerts that were generated for suspicious logins, click SUSPICIOUS LOGIN ALERTS in the left navigator and select the required time range. Information is displayed as shown in the example below.