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Customizing Key Manager extension

The Key Manager extension is responsible for creating a service provider in the WSO2 Open Banking Key Manager (WSO2 OB KM) when a new application is registered in the API Store. The created service provider defines the attributes of the application such as the authenticators used, authentication flow, whether to use tenant domain in local subject identifier etc. These attributes are customized based on the requirements.

In order to define customized attributes for the service providers, the Key Manager extension should also be customized. This section will guide you on how to customize the SCA Key Manager extension.

Step 1. Implementing custom key manager extension
  • Create a custom Java component and add the below dependencies to that project.
    1. is available in <WSO2_OBAM_HOME>/repository/components/lib/

    2. org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl

      org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl_6.4.50 is available in <WSO2_OBAM_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl_6.4.50.jar

  • Add a Java class to your custom module extending the SCABasedKeyManagerClient class. Override the setAuthenticators method to define the required authenticators. The sample SampleKeyManagerClient module below sets two authentication steps(local authentication and federated authentication steps respectively) using this extension.

     * Sample class to set authenticators in KeyManagerClient
    public class SampleKeyManagerClient extends SCABasedKeyManagerClient {
        private static final String BASIC_AUTHENTICATOR_NAME = "FOOBasicCustomAuth";
        private static final String BASIC_AUTHENTICATOR_DISPLAY_NAME = "FOO Authenticator";
        private static final String FEDERATED_AUTHENTICATOR_NAME = "BARFedCustomAuth";
        public void setAuthenticators(LocalAndOutboundAuthenticationConfig localAndOutboundAuthenticationConfig,
                                      OAuthApplicationInfo oAuthApplicationInfo)
                throws RemoteException, IdentityApplicationManagementServiceIdentityApplicationManagementException,
                APIManagementException {
            AuthenticationStep[] authenticationSteps = new AuthenticationStep[2];
            //Step 1 - Basic authentication
            LocalAuthenticatorConfig localAuthenticatorConfig = new LocalAuthenticatorConfig();
            LocalAuthenticatorConfig[] localAuthenticatorConfigs = new LocalAuthenticatorConfig[1];
            AuthenticationStep basicAuthenticationStep = new AuthenticationStep();
            localAuthenticatorConfigs[0] = localAuthenticatorConfig;
            //set step 1
            authenticationSteps[0] = basicAuthenticationStep;
            //Step 2 - Federated authentication
            IdentityProvider identityProvider = null;
            IdentityApplicationManagementServiceStub stub = super.getIdentityApplicationManagementServiceStub();
            if (stub != null) {
                IdentityProvider[] federatedIdPs = stub.getAllIdentityProviders();
                if (federatedIdPs != null && federatedIdPs.length > 0) {
                    for (IdentityProvider registeredIdentityProvider : federatedIdPs) {
                        if (registeredIdentityProvider.getIdentityProviderName().equals(FEDERATED_AUTHENTICATOR_NAME)) {
                            identityProvider = registeredIdentityProvider;
            } else {
                throw new APIManagementException("Retrieving IdentityApplicationManagementServiceStub failed.");
            IdentityProvider[] identityProviders = new IdentityProvider[1];
            identityProviders[0] = identityProvider;
            AuthenticationStep authenticationStep = new AuthenticationStep();
            //set step 2
            authenticationSteps[1] = authenticationStep;
            //set authentication steps

Step 2. Building and deploying the custom key manager extension
  • Build the module.
  • Add the .jar file to <WSO2_OBAM_HOME> /repository/components/lib

    If the module is an OSGi service place the .jar in <WSO2_OBAM_HOME>/repository/components/dropins

  • Modify the <KeyManagerClientImpl> element in <WSO2_OBAM_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml  file with the fully qualified name (FQN) of your Java class

  • Start the WSO2 OB AM server.