com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Stratos Manager

Stratos Manager provides a console (UI), which allow tenants and DevOps to interact with the system. In addition, Stratos Manager also hosts the REST service, which is responsible for providing PaaS management operations. 

Stratos Manager Console

The following are the actions that tenants and DevOps/administrators can carry out via the Stratos Manager Console.

Tenants actions
  • View the list of available cartridges. 
  • Subscribe to cartridges. 
  • Unsubscribe from cartridges. 
  • View list of subscribed cartridges. 
DevOps/Administrators actions
  • Register tenants
  • Activate and deactivate tenants
  • View the list of available cartridges
  • View list of subscribed cartridges
  • Subscribe to a cartridge
  • Unsubscribe from a cartridge
  • Deploy a partition
  • Deploy an auto-scaling policy
  • Deploy a deployment policy
  • Deploy a Load Balancer
  • Deploy a single tenant or multi-tenant cartridge
  • Deploy a multi-tenant service cluster for a multi-tenant cartridge

Stratos Manager REST APIs

The following are the actions that DevOps/administrators can carry out using the REST APIs provided in Apache Stratos; for more information, see the REST API Guide.

  • Tenant Operations
    • Adding a Tenant
    • Listing Tenants
  • Partition Operations
    • Deploying a Partition
    • Listing Partitions
  • Auto-scaling Policy Operations
    • Deploying an Auto-scaling Policy Definition
    • Listing Auto-scaling Policies
  • Deployment Policy Operations
    • Deploying a Deployment Policy Definition
    • Listing Deployment Policies
  • Multi-tenant Service Cluster Deployment
    • Deploying a Multi-tenant Service Cluster
    • Undeploying a Multi-tenant Service Cluster
  • Cartridge Operations
    • Deploying a Cartridge Definition
    • Undeploying a Cartridge Definition
    • Listing Available Cartridges
    • Subscribing to a Cartridge
    • Listing Subscribed Cartridges
    • Retrieving Details of a Subscribed Cartridge
    • Retrieving Cluster Details
    • Unsubscribing from a Cartridge
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.