Automated Product Configuration
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Automated Product Configuration

Use the following steps to install and configure WSO2 Private PaaS using the automated start-up script:

  1. Build the source and copy Apache Stratos Cartridge Agent, Apache Stratos Load Balancer and Apache Stratos distribution files to the  <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME>/packs/ directory. Where <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME> is the location of the extracted source. For more information, see Building from Source.

  2. Download the following WSO2 products and add them into the <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME>/packs/ directory.

  3. Download the following distributions and add them into the <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME>/packs/ directory.

    If you require to use different product versions other than the versions specified above, please update the conf.sh file, which is in the <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME> folder, with the downloaded versions.

  4. Navigate to the <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME> folder.

  5. Execute the following command using root user permissions, as this script writes to the /etc/hosts file. For more information on the various modes in which the boot script can be run and how the behavior of the boot script can be customized, see Boot Script Usage.

    sudo ./boot.sh
  6. Provide the information that will be prompted as follows: 

    Prompted informationDescription
    Domain name for the WSO2 Private PaaS environment:The domain name assigned to your WSO2 Private PaaS environment and the IP addresses assigned to your machine will be listed.
    Above are the IP addresses assigned to your machine. Please select the preferred IP address:You will be shown the IP addresses currently assigned to your machine. This information that is prompted for refers to the IP address of the machine you are running the setup.
    Enter host user:The username of the machine used to run WSO2 Private PaaS.
    Do you need to configure an external Puppet Master? [y/n] :If you have not already configured Puppet Master, enter 'y' to install it. Otherwise, enter 'n' to avoid the Puppet Master configuration process. 
    Please enter the external Puppet Master IP :Enter the IP address of the server that Puppet Master needs to be installed on. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' when you were prompted to configure Puppet Master.
    Please enter the external Puppet Master hostname :Enter the Puppet Master hostname. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' when you were prompted to configure Puppet Master.
    Do you need to install MySQL?: [y/n] If you have not already installed MySQL, enter 'y' to install it. Otherwise, enter 'n' to avoid MySQL installation. 
    Please provide MySQL host:

    The host/IP of the machine on which MySQL server will be installed. If MySQL is running on the same machine that you are setting up WSO2 Private PaaS, you can enter the IP address of the same machine.

    Please provide MySQL port:The port corresponding to the server on which MySQL is running. The default MySQL server port is 3306, but this can be changed.
    Please provide MySQL username:The username pertaining to the user credentials used to access the MySQL server.
    Please provide MySQL password:The password used to access the MySQL server, which corresponds to the latter mentioned username.
    JAVA_HOME is not set as an environment variable. Please enter JAVA_HOME path :If you have the JAVA_HOME variable as an environment variable, you can view your JAVA_HOME variable by executing the following command in a different terminal:
    echo $JAVA_HOME

    Do you need to /etc/hosts hostname mapping? [y/n]

    If you don't have a DNS for the hostnames used in Private PaaS, enter 'y' to add the hostname mapping to the /etc/hosts file of the relevant cartridge instance.
    Do you need to setup WSO2 IS (Identity Server) as a core service and configure SSO feature ? [y/n]If you want to deploy an Identity Server as a core service and configure SSO feature, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to deploy AS (Application Server) service ? [y/n]If you want to deploy an Application Server service, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to deploy AS (Application Server) in worker manager setup? [y/n]If you want to deploy an Application Server worker manager setup, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' for Application Server deployment. For more information on the worker/manager setup, see Deployment Patterns.
    Do you need to enable clustering for AS ? [y/n]If you want to enter clustering for Application Server, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you enter 'n' for Application Server worker manager setup deployment.
    Do you need to deploy BPS (Business Process Server) service ? [y/n]If you want to deploy a Business Process Server service, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to deploy BPS (Business Process Server) in worker manager setup? [y/n] If you want to deploy a Business Process Server worker manager setup, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' for Business Process Server deployment. For more information on the worker/manager setup, see Deployment Patterns. 
    Do you need to enable clustering for BPS ? [y/n]If you want to enter clustering for Business Process Server, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you enter 'n' for Business Process Server worker manager setup deployment.
    Do you need to deploy ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) service ? [y/n]If you want to deploy an Enterprise Service Bus service, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to deploy ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) in worker manager setup? [y/n]If you want to deploy an Enterprise Service Bus worker manager setup, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' for Enterprise Service Bus deployment. For more information on the worker/manager setup, see Deployment Patterns. 
    Do you need to enable clustering for ESB ? [y/n]If you want to enter clustering for Enterprise Service Bus, enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you enter 'n' for Enterprise Service Bus worker manager setup deployment.
    Do you need to deploy APIM (API Manager) service ? [y/n]If you want to deploy an API Manager service, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to enable clustering for key manager ?  [y/n]If you want to enable clustering for key manager , enter 'y'. This message will appear only if you entered 'y' for API Manager service.

    Enter your IaaS. vCloud, EC2 and OpenStack are the currently supported IaaSs. Enter "vcloud" for vCloud, "ec2" for EC2 and "os" for OpenStack:

    • Are you in a EC2 VPC Environment? [y/n] :
    • Enter EC2 identity:  
    • Enter EC2 credentials:
    • Enter EC2 owner id:  
    • Enter EC2 key pair name:
    • Enter EC2 availability zone:
    • Enter EC2 security groups:
    • Below are the available regions in Amazon EC2
         ap-northeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
         ap-southeast-1 - Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
         ap-southeast-2 - Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
         eu-west-1 - EU (Ireland) Region
         sa-east-1 - South America (Sao Paulo) Region
         us-east-1 - US East (Northern Virginia) Region
         us-west-1 - US West (Northern California) Region
         us-west-2 - US West (Oregon) Region

      Enter the region of the IaaS you want to spin up instances :

    • Enter EC2 cartridge base image id :

    If you entered 'ec2', these messages will be prompted.
    • Enter OpenStack identity : 

    • Enter OpenStack credentials : 

    • Enter OpenStack jclouds_endpoint : 

    • Enter the region of the IaaS you want to spin up instances : 

    • Enter OpenStack keypair name : 

    • Enter OpenStack security groups : 

    • Enter OpenStack cartridge base image id :

    If you entered 'os', these messages will be prompted.
    • Enter vCloud identity : 
    • Enter vCloud credentials : 
    • Enter vCloud jclouds_endpoint : 
    • Enter vCloud cartridge base image id :
    If you entered 'vcloud', these messages will be prompted.

    Do you need to setup WSO2 CEP as a separate service? [y/n]

    If you want to setup Complex Event Processor as a seperate service, enter 'y'.
    Do you need to setup WSO2 BAM (Business Activity Monitor) as a core service? [y/n]If you want to setup Business Activity Monitor as a core service, enter 'y'.
    Are you sure you want to deploy WSO2 Private PAAS ? [y/n] If you want to proceed with the WSO2 Private PaaS deployment process, enter 'y'.
  7. Wait for the servers to startup and for all the necessary actions to be completed. When completed, you will see the Management UI Console in the following format:


    Where <HOSTNAME> is the Stratos Manager's hostname. The default <PORT>  is 9443. However, if the user has incremented the port offset value, the default port value will get incremented by one.

    For example:

    Management Console : https://wso2ppaas.com:9443/console

Cleaning the setup

It is recommended to clean the setup before running the setup again.

Use the following steps to clean the setup:

  1. Navigate to < PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME> folder as follows:
  2. Execute the  clean.sh scripts as follows:
    sudo ./clean.sh -u<MYSQL_USERNAME> -p<MYSQL_PASSWORD>

    For example:
    sudo ./clean.sh -uroot -proot

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.