com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Boot Script Usage

The script is used to automate the WSO2 Private PaaS configuration and installation process. If the user follows the automated product configuration process, the user will only need to use the Stratos Manager Console (UI), CLI or REST API to subscribe to a cartridge. The following sub-sections describe the various modes in which the boot script can be run and also how its behavior can be customized.

Boot script usage modes

There are three modes in which the boot script ( can be executed. These modes can be invoked through command line arguments as explained in the following sections.

Silent mode -s

The boot script ( can be executed in silent mode using the above command. This mode will only start servers needed for the following WSO2 Private PaaS core services: IS, BAM and Stratos. It will not perform any configuration. If you have already deployed services and just want to restart the servers, kill your processes first and then run the script in silent mode.

Puppet only mode -p

The boot script ( can be executed in Puppet only mode using the above command. This mode will only configure and deploy Puppet scripts. While, this mode will not start or deploy any services, or make any other configuration changes. This mode is useful if you need to quickly deploy some Puppet scripts that you have created.

Start WSO2 Private PaaS without deploying services -t

The boot script ( can be executed to start WSO2 Private PaaS without deploying services using the above command. This mode will configure products and start WSO2 Private PaaS without deploying WSO2 Private PaaS cartridge services. Further, this would not install nor config Puppet scripts. This is useful if you want to perform the configurations and start the servers, but do not want to deploy any services.

Customizing behavior

The behavior of the boot script ( can be customized by adding parameters in the configuration file, which is in the <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOME> directory. The script will preload the values that were defined as parameters in the file. If the user has not defined the variable for a certain parameter in the file or left the variable empty, when the script is executed, the user will be prompted to enter the required value. As the users can add the required parameters and variables in the configuration file, it will be easier to run the script repeatedly. The following sections explain how the configuration file can be customized and it also provides the sample file.

Skip Puppet configuration

You can skip Puppet configuration by adding the following parameter in the configuration file.
export skip_puppet="true"

If the above parameter is set, will not deploy Puppet scripts and create the configurations for the Puppet scripts. This is useful if you have already configured Puppet and want to deploy and start the core services and product services.

Configure external Puppet master

Add the following parameters to if you want to configure an external Puppet master.
export puppet_external="y"
export puppet_external_ip="<PUPPET_IP>"
export puppet_external_host="<PUPPET_MASTER_HOSTNAME>"


# Pack files
export ACTIVE_MQ_DISTRIBUTION=apache-activemq-5.9.1-bin.tar.gz # Relavent activemq distribution
export ACTIVE_MQ_EXTRACTED=apache-activemq-5.9.1 # Extracted activemq distribution folder name
export JAVA_FILE_DISTRUBUTION=jdk-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz # Relevant JDK distribution
export JAVA_NAME_EXTRACTED=jdk1.7.0_51 # Extracted JDK folder name
export MYSQL_CONNECTOR=mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar # Relevant MySQL connector

# General configuration
export log_path=/var/log/apache-stratos
export stratos_domain="STRATOS_DOMAIN"
export machine_ip=""
export host_user="ubuntu"
export CONFIG_MB="true"

# Puppet master configuration
export skip_puppet=""
export puppet_external="n"
export puppet_external_ip=""
export puppet_external_host=""

# IaaS configuration
export iaas="os"

# Region Name
export region="RegionOne"

# Cartridge base image
export cartridge_base_img_id="38778b81-65af-4df9-99af-f3e0ed2a6519"

# OpenStack
export os_identity="admin:admin"
export os_credentials="admin123"
export os_jclouds_endpoint=""
export os_keypair_name="ravihansa3000"
export os_security_groups="default"

# EC2
export ec2_identity=""
export ec2_credentials=""
export ec2_owner_id=""
export ec2_keypair_name=""
export ec2_security_groups=""
export ec2_availability_zone=""

# vCloud
export vcloud_identity=""
export vcloud_credentials=""
export vcloud_jclouds_endpoint=""

# MySQL configuration
export setup_mysql="n"
export mysql_host=""
export mysql_port="3306"
export mysql_uname="root"
export mysql_password="1234"

# WSO2 PPaaS services
export as_enabled=""
export bps_enabled=""
export esb_enabled=""
export is_enabled=""
export apim_enabled=""

# Worker Manager deployment
export as_worker_mgt_enabled=""
export bps_worker_mgt_enabled=""
export esb_worker_mgt_enabled=""
export is_worker_mgt_enabled=""

# Clustering of services
export as_clustering_enabled=""
export is_clustering_enabled=""
export esb_clustering_enabled=""
export bps_clustering_enabled=""

# WSO2 PPaaS core services
export bam_enabled=""
export config_sso_enabled=""
export wso2_ppaas_enabled=""
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.