Configuring Datasources
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Configuring Datasources

In WSO2 SP, there are datasources specific to each runtime (i.e., worker, editor, manager, and dashboard runtimes). The datasources of each runtime are defined in the <SP_HOME>/conf/<runtime>/deployment.yaml file. e.g., To configure a datasource in the worker runtime, the relevant configurations need to be added in the <SP_Home>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file. 

To view a sample datasource confuguration for each database type supported, click on the following links:

If the database driver is not an OSGI bundle, then it should be converted to OSGI (using jartobundle.sh) before placing it in the <SP_HOME>/lib directory. For detailed instructions, see Adding Third Party Non OSGi Libraries.

e.g., sh WSO2_SP_HOME/bin/jartobundle.sh ojdbc6.jar WSO2_SP_HOME/lib/

   - name: WSO2_TEST_DB
     description: The datasource used for test database
       name: jdbc/WSO2_TEST_DB
       type: RDBMS
         jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/testdb
         username: root
         password: root
         driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
         maxPoolSize: 50
         idleTimeout: 60000
         connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
         validationTimeout: 30000
         isAutoCommit: false
   - name: WSO2_TEST_DB
     description: The datasource used for test database
       name: jdbc/WSO2_TEST_DB
       type: RDBMS
        jdbcUrl: jdbc:postgresql://hostname:port/testdb
        username: root
        password: root
        driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver
        maxPoolSize: 10
        idleTimeout: 60000
        connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
        validationTimeout: 30000
        isAutoCommit: false

There are two ways to configure this database type. If you have a System Identifier (SID), use this (older) format:


   - name: WSO2_TEST_DB
     description: The datasource used for test database
       name: jdbc/WSO2_TEST_DB
       type: RDBMS
         jdbcUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:SID
         username: testdb
         password: root
         driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
         maxPoolSize: 50
         idleTimeout: 60000
         connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
         validationTimeout: 30000
         isAutoCommit: false

If you have an Oracle service name, use this (newer) format:


   - name: WSO2_TEST_DB
     description: The datasource used for test database
       name: jdbc/WSO2_TEST_DB
       type: RDBMS
         jdbcUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port/SERVICE
         username: testdb
         password: root
         driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
         maxPoolSize: 50
         idleTimeout: 60000
         connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
         validationTimeout: 30000
         isAutoCommit: false

The Oracle driver need to be converted to OSGi (using jartobundle.sh) before put into WSO2_SP_HOME/lib directory. For detailed instructions, see Adding Third Party Non OSGi Libraries.

   - name: WSO2_TEST_DB
     description: The datasource used for test database
       name: jdbc/WSO2_TEST_DB
       type: RDBMS
         jdbcUrl: jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:port;databaseName=testdb
         username: root
         password: root
         driverClassName: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
         maxPoolSize: 50
         idleTimeout: 60000
         connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
         validationTimeout: 30000
         isAutoCommit: false

The following sections explain the default datasources configured in various WSO2 SP components for different purposes, and how to change them.  

RDBMS data provider

Database Access Requirement
The RDBMS provider publishes records from RDBMS tables into generated widgets. It can also be configured to purge records in tables. In order to carry out these actions, this provider requires access to read and delete records in user defined tables of the database. For more information about the RDBMS data provider, see Generating Widgets.
Required/OptionalThis is required if you select a datasource when generating the widget or use existing widgets that connect to the RDBMS data provider when you run the dashboard profile of WSO2 SP.
Default Datasource NameSAMPLE_DB
Default DatabaseThe default H2 database location is <SP_HOME>/wso2/dashboard/database/SAMPLE_DB.
TablesThe default database shipped with a sample table named TRANSACTION_TABLE.
Schemas and Queries

The schema for the sample table is TRANSACTIONS_TABLE (creditCardNo VARCHAR(50), country VARCHAR(50), transaction VARCHAR(50), amount INT)

The default queries can be viewed here.

Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Postgres, Mssql, Oracle 11g

Carbon coordination 

Database Access RequirementCarbon coordination supports zookeeper and RDBMS based coordination. In RDBMS coordination, database access is required for updating the heartbeats of the nodes. In addition, database access is required to update the coordinator and the other members in the cluster. For more information, see Configuring Cluster Coordination .
Required/OptionalThis is required. However, you can also use Zookeeper coordination instead of RDBMS.
Default Datasource NameThe carbon datasources are used. The default datasource varies depending on the deployment as follows:
Schemas and Queries

Information about the default queries and the schema can be viewed here.

Tested Database TypesMySQL, Postgres, Mssql, Oracle 11g

Stream Processor core - persistence 

Database Access RequirementThis involves persisting the state of Siddhi Applications periodically in the database. State persistence is enabled by selecting the org.wso2.carbon.stream.processor.core.persistence.DBPersistenceStore class in the state.persistence section of the <SP_Home>/conf/<worker/manager>/deployment.yaml file. For more information, see Configuring Database and File System State Persistence.
Required/OptionalThis is optional. WSO2 is configured to persist the state of Siddhi applications by default.
Default Datasource NameN/A. If state persistence is required, you need to configure the datasource in the <SP_Home>/conf/<worker/manager>/deployment.yaml file under state.persistence > config > datasource.
TablesN/A. If state persistence is required, you need to specify the table name to be used when persisting the state in the <SP_Home>/conf/<worker/manager>/deployment.yaml file under state.persistence > config > table.
Schemas and Queries

Information about the default queries and schema can be viewed here.

Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Postgres, Mssql, Oracle 11g

Stream Processor - Status Dashboard 

Database Access RequirementTo display information relating to the status of your SP deployment, the Status Dashboard needs to retrive carbon metrics data, registered SP worker details and authentication details within the cluster from the database. For more information, see Monitoring Stream Processor.
Schemas and Queries

Information about the default queries and schema: https://github.com/wso2/carbon-analytics/blob/v2.0.250/components/org.wso2.carbon.status.dashboard.core/src/main/resources/queries.yaml

Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Mssql, Oracle 11g (Postgres is tested with Carbon-Metrics only)

Siddhi RDBMS store 

Database Access RequirementIt gives the capability of creating the tables at the siddhi app runtime and access the existing tablesif a user defined carbon datasource or JNDI property in a siddhi app. Documentation can be found in https://wso2-extensions.github.io/siddhi-store-rdbms/api/4.0.15/
Default Datasource NameNo such default Datasource. User has to create the datasource in the Siddhi app
TablesNo such default tables. User has to define the tables
Schemas and Queries

Information about the default queries and schema: https://github.com/wso2-extensions/siddhi-store-rdbms/blob/v4.0.15/component/src/main/resources/rdbms-table-config.xml

Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Mssql, Oracle 11g, DB2, PostgreSQL

Carbon Dashboards 

Database Access RequirementCarbon Dashboard feature uses its datasource to persist the dashboard related information
Default Datasource NameWSO2_DASHBOARD_DB
Schemas and Queries


Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Postgres

Business Rules 

Database Access RequirementBusiness Rules feature uses database to persist the derived business rules
Default Datasource NameBUSINESS_RULES_DB
Schemas and Queries


Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Oracle 11g

IdP client 

Database Access RequirementIdP client access the DB layer to persist the client id and the client secret of dynamic client registration
Required/OptionalMandatory for external IdP client
Default Datasource Name DB_AUTH_DB
Schemas and Queries


Tested Database TypesH2, MySQL, Oracle 11g

Permission  provider 

Database Access RequirementPermission provider will access the DB to persist permissions and role - permission mappings.
Required/OptionalMandatory, default is in H2
Default Datasource NamePERMISSIONS_DB
Schemas and Queries


Tested Database Types H2, MySQL, Mssql, Oracle 11g , Postgres

Distributed Message Tracer  

Database Access RequirementThe Siddhi application and the dashbioard configured for the Distributed Message Tracer solution that is shipped with WSO2 SP by default access this database to both read and write data.
Required/OptionalOptional, default is in H2. This database is only needed when Distribution Message Tracing is enabled.
Default Datasource NameMessage_Tracing_DB
Tables SpanTable
Schemas and QueriesThis database uses Siddhi Queries to insert data. It reads data from TracingListGadget, TracingSearchGadget, TracingTimelineGadget

Tested Database Types H2, MySQL, Mssql, Oracle 11g

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