com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Simulating Events

Simulating events involves simulating predefined event streams. These event stream definitions have stream attributes. You can use event simulator to create events by assigning values to the defined stream attributes and send them as events. This is useful for debugging and monitoring the event receivers and publishers, execution plans and event formatters.

FunctionREST API
Saving a simulation configuration
  • Single Event Simulation: POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
  • Multiple Event Simulation: POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed
Editing a simulation configuration
  • Single Event Simulation: PUT http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
  • Multiple Event Simulation: PUT http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed
Deleting a simulation configuration
  • Single Event Simulation: DELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
  • Multiple Event Simulation: DELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed
Retrieving a simulation configuration
  • Single Event Simulation: GET http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
  • Multiple Event Simulation: GET http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed
Uploading a CSV filePOST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed
Editing and uploaded CSV filePUT -F 'file=@/{path to csv file}' http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/files/{fileName}?fileName={fileName}
Deleting an uploaded CSV fileDELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/files/{fileName}
Pausing an event simulationPOST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}/?action=pause
Resuming an event simulationPOST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}/?action=resume
Stopping an event simulationDELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}

The following sections cover how events can be simulated.

Saving a simulation configuration

To simulate events for WSO2 SP, you should first save the event simulator configuration in the <SP_HOME>/deployment/simulator/simulationConfigs directory by sending a POST request to a REST API as described below.


The REST API to be called depends on the type of event simulation you are carrying out as shown in the table below.

Event Simulation TypeREST API
Simulating a single eventPOST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
Simulating a multiple eventsPOST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/ \
  -H 'content-type: text/plain' \
  -d '{
  "properties": {
    "simulationName": "simulationPrimitive",
    "startTimestamp": "",
    "endTimestamp": "",
    "noOfEvents": "",
    "description": "",
    "timeInterval": "1000"
  "sources": [
      "siddhiAppName": "TestExecutionPlan",
      "streamName": "FooStream",
      "timestampInterval": "1000",
      "simulationType": "RANDOM_DATA_SIMULATION",
      "attributeConfiguration": [
          "type": "PRIMITIVE_BASED",
          "primitiveType": "STRING",
          "length": "5"
          "type": "PRIMITIVE_BASED",
          "primitiveType": "INT",
          "min": "0",
          "max": "999"

Sample output

  "status": "CREATED",
  "message": "Successfully uploaded simulation configuration 'simulationPrimitive'"

REST API response

  • 200 if the simulation configuration is successfully saved.
  • 409 if a simulation configuration with the specified name already exists.
  • 400 if the configuration provided is not in a valid JSON format.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Editing a simulation configuration

To edit a simulation configuration that is already saved, a PUT request should be sent to a REST API as explained below.


The REST API to be called depends on the type of event simulation you are carrying out as shown in the table below.

Event Simulation TypeREST API
Simulating a single eventPUT http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
Simulating a multiple eventsPUT http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{feed name}

Sample cURL command

curl -X PUT \
  http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive \
  -H 'content-type: text/plain' \
  -d '{
  "properties": {
    "simulationName": "updatedSimulationPrimitive",
    "startTimestamp": "",
    "endTimestamp": "",
    "noOfEvents": "10",
    "description": "Updating the simulation configuration",
    "timeInterval": "1000"
  "sources": [
      "siddhiAppName": "TestExecutionPlan",
      "streamName": "FooStream",
      "timestampInterval": "1000",
      "simulationType": "RANDOM_DATA_SIMULATION",
      "attributeConfiguration": [
          "type": "PRIMITIVE_BASED",
          "primitiveType": "STRING",
          "length": "5"
          "type": "PRIMITIVE_BASED",
          "primitiveType": "INT",
          "min": "0",
          "max": "999"


Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully updated simulation configuration 'simulationPrimitive'."

REST API response

  • 200 if the simulation configuration is successfully updated.
  • 404 if the file specified does not exist in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/simulation-configs directory.
  • 400 if the file specified is not a CSV file, or if the file does not exist in the path specified.
  • 403 if the size of the file specified exceeds the maximum size allowed.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Deleting a simulation configuration

To delete an event simulation file that is already saved in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/simulation-configs directory, a DELETE request should be sent to a REST API as explained below.


The REST API to be called depends on the type of event simulation you are carrying out as shown in the table below.

Event Simulation TypeREST API
Simulating a single eventDELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
Simulating a multiple eventsDELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/

Sample cURL command

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive'

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully deleted simulation configuration 'simulationPrimitive'"

REST API response

  • 200 if the simulation configuration is successfully deleted.
  • 404 if the file specified does not exist in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/simulation-configs directory.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Retrieving a simulation configuration

To view a simulation configuration saved in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/simulation-configs directory via the CLI, a GET request should be sent to a REST API as explained below.


The REST API to be called depends on the type of event simulation you are carrying out as shown in the table below.

Event Simulation TypeREST API
Simulating a single eventGET http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/single
Simulating a multiple eventsGET http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/

Sample cURL command

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive'

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "{\"Simulation configuration\":{\"sources\":[{\"timestampInterval\":\"1000\",\"simulationType\":\"RANDOM_DATA_SIMULATION\",\"attributeConfiguration\":[{\"length\":\"5\",\"type\":\"PRIMITIVE_BASED\",\"primitiveType\":\"STRING\"},{\"min\":\"0\",\"max\":\"999\",\"type\":\"PRIMITIVE_BASED\",\"primitiveType\":\"INT\"}],\"streamName\":\"FooStream\",\"siddhiAppName\":\"TestExecutionPlan\"}],\"properties\":{\"simulationName\":\"simulationPrimitive\",\"description\":\"Updating the simulation configuration\",\"timeInterval\":\"1000\",\"endTimestamp\":\"\",\"startTimestamp\":\"\",\"noOfEvents\":\"10\"}}}"

REST API Response

  • 200 if the simulation configuration is successfully retrieved.
  • 404 if the file specified does not exist in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/simulation-configs directory.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Uploading a CSV file

To simulate events from a CSV file, the required CSV file needs to exist in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/csv-files directory.


A POST request should be sent to the following API.

POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/ \
  -H 'content-type: text/plain' \
  -d '{
  "properties": {
    "simulationName": "FeedSimulationTest",
    "startTimestamp": "",
    "endTimestamp": "",
    "noOfEvents": "",
    "description": "",
    "timeInterval": "1000"
  "sources": [
      "siddhiAppName": "TestExecutionPlan",
      "streamName": "FooStream",
      "timestampInterval": "1000",
      "simulationType": "CSV_SIMULATION",
      "fileName": "myEvents.csv",
      "delimiter": ",",
      "isOrdered": true,
      "indices": "0,1"

Sample output

  "status": "CREATED",
  "message": "Successfully uploaded simulation configuration 'FeedSimulationTest'"

REST API response

  • 200 if the CSV file is successfully uploaded.
  • 409 if a CSV file with the file name specified already exists in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/csv-files directory.
  • 400 if the specified file is not a CSV file or if the specified file path is not valid.
  • 403 if the size of the file specified exceeds the maximum file size allowed.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Editing an uploaded CSV file

This section explains how to edit a CSV file that is already uploaded to the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/csv-files directory.


A PUT request should be sent to the following API.

PUT -F 'file=@/{path to csv file}' http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/files/{fileName}?fileName={fileName}

Sample cURL command

curl -X PUT -F 'file=@/home/nadeeka/Desktop/editedMyEvents.csv' http://localhost:9390/simulation/files/myEvents.csv?fileName=myEvents.csv

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully updated CSV file 'myEvents.csv' with file ' editedMyEvents.csv'."

REST API response

  • 200 if the CSV file is successfully updated.
  • 404 if the specified CSV file does not exist in the <SP_HOME>/deployment/simulator/csvFiles directory.

For descriptions of the HTTP status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

Deleting an uploaded CSV file

This section explains how to delete a CSV file that is already uploaded to the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/csv-files directory.


A DELETE request should be sent to the following API.

DELETE http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/files/{fileName} 

Sample cURL command

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9390/simulation/files/myEvents.csv

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully deleted file 'myEvents.csv'"

REST API response

  • 200 if the CSV file is successfully deleted.
  • 404 if the specified CSV file does not exist in the <SP_HOME>/wso2/editor/deployment/csv-files directory.

Pausing an event simulation

This section explains how to pause an event simulation that has already started.


A POST request should be sent to the following API.

POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}/?action=pause

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive/?action=pause

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully paused event simulation 'simulationPrimitive'."

REST API response

  • 200 if the event simulation is successfully paused.
  • 409 if the event simulation is already paused.

Resuming an event simulation

This section explains how to resume an event simulation that has already paused.


A POST request should be sent to the following API

POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}/?action=resume

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive/?action=resume

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully resumed event simulation 'simulationPrimitive'."

REST API response

  • 200 if the event simulation is successfully resumed.

Stopping an event simulation

This section explains how to stop an event simulation.


A POST request should be sent to the following API

POST http://<SP_HOST>:<API_PORT>/simulation/feed/{simulationName}/?action=stop

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST http://localhost:9390/simulation/feed/simulationPrimitive/?action=stop

Sample output

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Successfully stopped event simulation 'simulationPrimitive'."

REST API response

  • 200 if the event simulation is successfully stoped.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.