WSO2 GitHub Repositories

This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
For the latest WSO2 documentation, visit https://wso2.com/documentation/.

WSO2 GitHub Repositories

Kernel level Git repositories

Repo URLDescription
carbon-kernelCarbon 5 kernel repo
carbon4-kernelCarbon 4 kernel repo

Platform level Git repositories

Repo URLDescription
carbon-analyticsContains components and features related to analytics services.
carbon-apimgtContains components and features related to API management.
carbon-appmgtContains components and features related to application management.
carbon-business-messaging  Contains the components and features related to business messaging. 
carbon-business-process  Contains components and features related to business processes.


Contains common components and features shared across the platform projects.
carbon-data  Contains components and features related to data services.
carbon-deploymentContains components and features related to web application and service development (i.e., JavaEE WebProfile support, JAX-WS/RS service deployment, Webapp monitoring dashboards etc. ).
carbon-event-processing  Contains components and features related to event processing services.
carbon-governance  Contains components and features related to governance services.
carbon-mediationContains components and features related to mediation services.
carbon-mlContains components and features related to machine learner.
carbon-platform-automated-test-suite  Contains WSO2 product integration test suites and Platform test suites with ant based test executor.
carbon-platform-integration Contains WSO2 test automation framework modules.


Contains utilities related to WSO2 test automation framework which is common to the whole product platform.
carbon-qosContains components and features related to quality of service.
carbon-registryContains components and features related to registry services.
carbon-rulesContains components and features related to business rules.
carbon-storage-management  Contains sources corresponding to the components that are primarily being used for storage provisioning and management related tasks. Out of all the components being maintained within this particular repository some components (i.e., Cassandra, HDFS) are used across the platform. In addition, some of the tools developed for storage browsing (i.e., Cassandra-Explorer etc.) too are part of this repository.
carbon-utilsContains ntask, remote-tasks, ndatasource etc.

Mobile platform Git repositories

Repo URLDescription
emm-agent-androidMaintains the Android agent that is used to enroll the device to EMM server.
emm-agent-iosMaintains the iOS agent that is used to enroll the device to EMM server.

Product level Git repositories

Product NameRepo URLDescription
API Manager


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 API manager distribution.
App Factoryproduct-afMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 APP Factory distribution.
Application Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Application Server distribution.
Business Activity Monitor


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Business Activity Monitor distribution.
Business Process Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Business Process Server distribution.
Business Rules Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Business Rules Server distribution.
Complex Event Processor


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Complex Event Processor distribution.
Connected Device Management Frameworkproduct-cdmMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Connected Device Management Framework distribution.
Data Analytics Serverproduct-bamMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Data Analytics Server distribution.
Data Services Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Data Services Server distribution.
Enterprise Mobility Manager


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager distribution.
Enterprise Service Bus


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus distribution.
Enterprise Storeproduct-esMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Enterprise Store distribution.
Governance Registry


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Governance Registry distribution.
Identity Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Identity Server distribution.
Message Broker


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Message Broker distribution.
Private PaaSproduct-private-paasMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Private PaaS distribution.
Storage Server


Maintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Storage Server distribution.
Task Serverproduct-tsMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Task Server distribution.
Developer Studiodeveloper-studioMaintains sources corresponding to building and packaging of WSO2 Developer Studio distribution.

Other WSO2 Git repositories

The following are GitHub repository URLs that correspond to independent projects managed by WSO2:

Repo URLDescription
andesMessage broker core engine implementation.
balanaXACML core engine implementation.
charonSCIM core engine implementation.
esb-connectorsCollection of connectors that allows you to interact with WSO2 ESB's third-party product function.


This repo contains Jaggeryjs. Jaggery is a framework used to write webapps and HTTP-focused web services for all aspects of the application: front-end, communication, Server-side logic and persistence in pure Javascript.
jaggery-extensionsThis contains extensions for the Jaggery framework.

Used to create OSGi bungles out of third-part dependencies.

siddhiComplex event processing core engine implementation.

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